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Passive Flow Control on Wind Turbine Rotors using Self-Adaptive Camber

Subject Area Fluid Mechanics
Term from 2012 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 218746282
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

A set of three ACP rotor blades have been developed and manufactured. The unique design is functional and it is imaginable to integrate the underlying concept into a commercial turbine. Furthermore, specific measurement equipment was developed and successfully tested. During wind tunnel tests in Berlin the ability of the ACP concept to alleviate gust loads has been proven for the first time in the rotational system of a wind turbine. The Sears function has been experimentally validated in the active grid tunnel of TU Oldenburg. Furthermore, the underlying physics has been understood and it was possible to distinguish the Sears and Atassi function by special parameters which could be selective adapted to produce specific results. During the funding period the basis for industry cooperation have been created. A further ACP measurement campaign with the BeRT turbine in Berlin is recommended, because the potential of the created models and measurement equipment has not been exhausted by far.



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