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TRR 123:  Planar Optronic Systems (PlanOS)

Subject Area Materials Science and Engineering
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Term from 2013 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 210420491
Final Report Year 2018

Final Report Abstract

The primary goal of the Collaborative Research Centre "Transregio 123 - Planar Optronic Systems" (PlanOS) was the realization of fully integrated, planar sensor networks on or in thin and large-area polymer films. Characteristics of the intended distributed, large-area sensors were the acquisition of different physical variables of the environment such as e.g. temperature and strain and their direct conversion into optical properties. Such sensor films have the potential to enable completely new solutions in the field of structural health monitoring of large structures or in medical technology and are therefore the focus of current research worldwide. For the realization of planar-optical sensor systems consisting of light sources, optics, light guides, sensor elements and detectors, innovative approaches and technologies in three subject areas - the development of materials (project area A), production methods (project area B) and sensor concepts (project area C) - were investigated in PlanOS. A major challenge was the realization of fully polymer-based optical transducers and integrated systems that can be realized in the future using high-throughput manufacturing methods. The measured variables to be recorded had to be converted into light properties in such a way that multi-sensor systems are created that can preferably be integrated in a planar manner in a few process steps and can measure with high spatial resolution. In the funding period 2013-2016, the focus of the CRC PlanOS was on the development of tailor-made polymer materials and suitable process technologies as well as on the simulation and fundamental demonstration of sensor concepts using discrete solutions. In project area A, a large number of the required polymer materials with customized optical, thermo-mechanical or viscous properties could be realized. Production technologies based on printing, hot embossing or direct writing processes were developed in project area B for processing these materials. In addition, in project area C the basic functionality of the proposed sensor concepts for recording temperature and strain as well as for analytics, e.g. for the determination of refractive index and concentration, was investigated and first polymer spectrometers were created. In many cases, hybrid systems were initially built using semiconductor components, since the necessary polymer-based counterparts and structures were developed simultaneously. Further work concentrated on the development of methods for validation and calibration of the implemented sensor systems. Planarity played a key role in the integration of the sensor foils. At the same time, it posed a major challenge, since the components and sensor units implemented had to be integrated into an overall system so that their interaction results in a functionally integrated polymer film. This film is sensitive to the targeted variables, whereby the influence of interferences had to remain small or controllable. The variety of polymer materials and processes implemented and the sensor concepts demonstrated provide a very good basis for the numerous integration tasks and different sensor systems. This ensures that the processes are coordinated in such a way that the structures and components introduced are not affected by subsequent process steps.



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