SFB 1044: The Low-Energy Frontier of the Standard Model: From Quarks and Gluons to Hadrons and Nuclei
Final Report Abstract
The CRC 1044 studied the role of hadrons, which are subatomic particles built up from quarks and gluons, within the broader context of particle, atomic, and nuclear (astro-)physics. Hadron physics plays a central and connecting role in answering physics questions at both the highest and lowest energy scales. In nearly all questions at the forefront of the aforementioned research fields, the progress is limited by a missing quantitative knowledge of the strong interaction in the non-perturbative domain of Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD). Advancing this low-energy frontier of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics has a direct impact on the most central questions in physics. In the CRC 1044, these research goals were pursued by a strategic cooperation between the Mainz Microtron (MAMI), the Beijing Spectrometer (BESIII), and the Mainz Energy Recovering Superconducting Accelerator MESA, which is presently being constructed as a main initiative within the PRISMA/PRISMA+ Excellence Cluster. Through a unique combination of measurements in electron scattering (MAMI and MESA), in electron-positron physics (BESIII), with state-of-the-art theoretical tools, such as lattice QCD, dispersion theory, and effective field theory, the CRC 1044 contributed to decisive advances in the low-energy frontier of the SM. The highlights of the CRC 1044 are firstly a new measurement at BESIII of the time-like pion form factor, reducing the dominant uncertainty, due to the hadronic vacuum polarization (HVP) contribution, in the SM prediction of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (g − 2)µ. The data-driven dispersive HVP determination has been complemented within the CRC 1044 with ab-initio lattice QCD calculations. An improvement of the SM prediction of (g − 2)µ is of utmost importance for a final interpretation of the experimental determination of (g − 2)µ, as obtained at Fermilab/USA and in the future at JPARC/Japan. Within the CRC 1044 the conceptual design of the parity violation experiment (P2) was completed at the MESA accelerator. In the next few years, this will make it possible to achieve the most precise measurement in the world of the weak mixing angle in electron-proton scattering and to test the SM to energy scales of around 50 TeV. A new measurement campaign of proton form factors and polarizabilities was performed at MAMI. This was complemented by refined theoretical analyses, which made it possible to significantly improve on the interpretation of high-precision tests of the Lamb shift in muonic Hydrogen as well as light muonic atoms. The activities were complemented by a new measurement of the time-like neutron form factor at BESIII. A photon-photon physics program at BESIII and A2/MAMI, aimed at extracting meson transition form factors, made it possible to derive more precise constraints on the hadronic light-by-light contribution (HLbL) to (g − 2)µ . These data were compared with a newly developed dispersive formalism, as well as a direct lattice calculation of the HLbL contribution. Furthermore, studies of spectroscopy with a polarized photon beam and polarized targets at A2/MAMI were successfully completed. The unique data sets for the photoproduction of pseudoscalar mesons on nucleons have allowed to clarify the role of several of the higher-lying resonances in the baryon spectrum. At BESIII the spectroscopy in the energy range at around 4 GeV has led to important observations of charmonium-like particles. High-precision measurements of the 4 He monopole transition form factor have been performed at A1/MAMI. A comparison with ab-initio chiral effective field theory calculations provided an important test of our understanding of few-body nuclear forces. Finally, an extended measurement campaign of beam-normal spin asymmetries in medium-heavy nuclei has been performed at MAMI, and has set the stage for the forthcoming parity-violation program at MESA, which will allow the nuclear equation of state to be studied.
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