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FOR 1756:  Functional Dynamics of Cell Contacts in Cellular Assemblies and Migratory Cells

Subject Area Biology
Term from 2011 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 200509276
A central element in tissue morphogenesis is the dynamics of cell-cell contacts, i.e. their formation, dissolution, rearrangement and maintenance. The molecules underlying specific cell-cell contacts are adhesion molecules and cell surface ligand-receptor systems. The dynamic cell contacts determine specific cellular behaviour and constitute the driving force for tissue elongation, cell rearrangement, cell sorting, cell migration and cell-cell association.
The Research Unit focusses on defining and analysing the functional dynamics of cell contacts in cellular assemblies and small sets of cells in a set of genetically tractable model systems. Specifically, the Research Unit aims at identifying and investigating the biomechanical mechanisms underlying the dynamics of cell contacts, define the molecular mechanisms responsible for the biomechanical properties and identify and characterise novel components involved in cell contacts.
DFG Programme Research Units
International Connection Austria



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