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Adaptive Formwork System with Light Weight Membranes

Subject Area Structural Engineering, Building Informatics and Construction Operation
Architecture, Building and Construction History, Construction Research, Sustainable Building Technology
Term from 2011 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 198151796
The complexity of the production of double curved shell structures with geometry developed by bionic methods as well as free-form elements created in context of contemporary architecture is mainly driven by its formworks complexity. Currently, formwork systems for the production of these structures need to be created from individually produced, planked ribs or uniquely milled foam blocks.Goal of this research project is to minimize the ecologic and economic impact of the construction of this efficient, but nowadays seldom used, construction typology through fundamental research in adaptive forming technologies in combination with light weight membranes. Here the demand of a pliable, elastically adaptable formwork competes with the demand to transfer a high concrete pressure with little deformation to the sub construction in cases of vertical or tilted construction components. This contradiction can be solved by separating the primary functions of the formwork, forming, load-bearing of the unset concretes weight, texturing of the concrete surface and taking up loads of the fresh concrete pressure, into separated construction solutions. The placement of a double-layer membrane in front of a shape-adapting, load-bearing and form defining layer is a completely new, hitherto uninvestigated action principle. Its functional properties and constructive aspects will be scientifically investigated within this research project. Here, the concrete pressure is efficiently taken up by the membrane action of a double-layer membrane in which the layers are interconnected through densely spaced anchors, resulting in a self-equilibrated stress state. Active actuating elements fix an elastically shaped support surface in position to which the double-layer membrane is connected. This creates a large flexibility in possible shapes while reducing its functional requirement to load transfer of the self-weight of the unset concrete to the sub construction. As a result, in cases of vertical or slightly tilted elements, the shape supporting surface need only little load bearing capacity and can therefore be designed in a pliable way. An ultra-light weight shape-adaptive formwork system creates great technological and economic advantages for the production of spatially curved concrete construction and contributes to savings in natural resources.The research work will be done by two differently oriented disciplines in an interdisciplinary collaboration. The research results of Phase I of the SPP 1542 will be transferred to the next evolution. Analytical studies will be carried out and a calculation model, based on FE method, will be created. With small-scale tests material parameters will be determined as input-parameters for the calculation model. Full-scale tests are used to validate the computational results. To illustrate the practicability, a demonstrator will be built to carry out additional experiments.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes

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