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EXC 1023:  ImmunoSensation: The Immune Sensory System

Subject Area Microbiology, Virology and Immunology
Term from 2012 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 194445620
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

The immune system plays a central role not only in health but also in the development of many diseases. With the innovative idea of investigating the immunosensory system, which includes the immune responses of immune and non-immune cells as well their interaction with the nervous system and metabolism. ImmunoSensation has become a leading center for immunological research, especially for innate immunity. Work at the Cluster has led to new ligands and signaling molecules, a new classification for macrophages, and important contributions to the understanding of the interaction between cancer and the immune system. Our scientists have characterized the negative influence of a western diet on the immune system and discovered a new therapeutic approach to reduce age-related memory decline. Two new biotech companies began as spin-offs, and two novel compounds are in clinical trials for tumor therapy. During the first funding period of the Cluster, international research collaborations with Melbourne and Osaka were formalized, and central research topics were developed into new Collaborative Research Centers. International recruitment was extremely important to the development of the immunological focus of ImmunoSensation. Since 2012, twelve new professorships for immunological research have been established at the University of Bonn, and professorships that were vacant in the field have been restaffed with leading immunologists. Morevoer, the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) has created two professorships in neuroinflammation. Over 20% of people recruited through the Cluster came from abroad. Early-career scientists with funding from the ERC, state (NRW), or DFG (Emmy Noether Programme) were successfully recruited to Bonn. ImmunoSensation has established two new master’s programs in English (Medical Immunosciences and Infection and Immunobiology) and the International Graduate School Immunosciences and Infection, central research platforms, and a central coordination office. Additionally, the development of new research buildings (BMZ II and LIMES-TIS) and new core facilities through the acquisition of new research equipment has also contributed to the development of scientific infrastructure. Several measures for family support have been implemented, such as the creation of two new family rooms and supplementary childcare services. Young female scientists were supported through specific project funding, coaching, and networking opportunities. 50% of newly appointed professorships were filled with women, and the proportion of female project leaders increased from 19% to 32% during the first funding period. Overall, ImmunoSensation has made a lasting contribution to understanding immunosensory processes and identifying new therapeutic approaches, especially through the establishment of support programs for young scientists and gender equality. Thus, ImmunoSensation’s central goal of establishing a leading national and international scientific center for immunology was achieved.

Link to the final report


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    Ablasser, A, Schmid-Burgk, JL, Hemmerling, I, Horvath, GL, Schmidt, T, Latz, E and Hornung, V
    (See online at
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    Ablasser, A, Goldeck, M, Cavlar, T, Deimling, T, Witte, G, Rohl, I, Hopfner, KP, Ludwig, J and Hornung, V
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  • (2013) Neutrophil swarms require LTB4 and integrins at sites of cell death in vivo; Nature 498, 371-375
    Lammermann, T, Afonso, PV, Angermann, BR, Wang, JM, Kastenmuller, W, Parent, CA and Germain, RN
    (See online at
  • (2013) NLRP3 is activated in Alzheimer’s disease and contributes to pathology in APP/PS1 mice; Nature 493, 674-678
    Heneka, MT, Kummer, MP, Stutz, A, Delekate, A, Schwartz, S, Vieira-Saecker, A, Griep, A, Axt, D, Remus, A, Tzeng, TC, Gelpi, E, Halle, A, Korte, M, Latz, E and Golenbock, DT
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  • (2013) Oxidative damage of DNA confers resistance to cytosolic nuclease TREX1 degradation and potentiates STING-dependent immune sensing; Immunity 39, 482-495
    Gehrke, N, Mertens, C, Zillinger, T, Wenzel, J, Bald, T, Zahn, S, Tuting, T, Hartmann, G and Barchet, W
    (See online at
  • (2013) Plasticity of tumour and immune cells: a source of heterogeneity and a cause for therapy resistance?; Nat Rev Cancer 13, 365-376
    Hölzel, M, Bovier, A and Tüting, T
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  • (2013) RAGE is a nucleic acid receptor that promotes inflammatory responses to DNA; J Exp Med 210, 2447-2463
    Sirois, CM, Jin, T, Miller, AL, Bertheloot, D, Nakamura, H, Horvath, GL, Mian, A, Jiang, J, Schrum, J, Bossaller, L, Pelka, K, Garbi, N, Brewah, Y, Tian, J, Chang, C, Chowdhury, PS, Sims, GP, Kolbeck, R, Coyle, AJ, Humbles, AA, Xiao, TS and Latz, E
    (See online at
  • (2013) Species-specific detection of the antiviral small-molecule compound CMA by STING; EMBO J 32, 1440-1450
    Cavlar, T, Deimling, T, Ablasser, A, Hopfner, KP and Hornung, V
    (See online at
  • (2013) Structure-function analysis of STING activation by c[G(2’,5’)pA(3’,5’)p] and targeting by antiviral DMXAA; Cell 154, 748-762
    Gao, P, Ascano, M, Zillinger, T, Wang, W, Dai, P, Serganov, AA, Gaffney, BL, Shuman, S, Jones, RA, Deng, L, Hartmann, G, Barchet, W, Tuschl, T and Patel, DJ
    (See online at
  • (2013) The immune system and kidney disease: basic concepts and clinical implications; Nat Rev Immunol 13, 738-753
    Kurts, C, Panzer, U, Anders, HJ and Rees, AJ
    (See online at
  • (2013) Turning tumors into vaccines: co-opting the innate immune system; Immunity 39, 27-37
    van den Boorn, JG and Hartmann, G
    (See online at
  • (2014) Antiviral immunity via RIG-I-mediated recognition of RNA bearing 5’-diphosphates; Nature 514, 372-375
    Goubau, D, Schlee, M, Deddouche, S, Pruijssers, AJ, Zillinger, T, Goldeck, M, Schuberth, C, Van der Veen, AG, Fujimura, T, Rehwinkel, J, Iskarpatyoti, JA, Barchet, W, Ludwig, J, Dermody, TS, Hartmann, G and Reis e Sousa, C
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  • (2014) Characterizing the genetic basis of innate immune response in TLR4-activated human monocytes; Nat Commun 5, 5236
    Kim, S, Becker, J, Bechheim, M, Kaiser, V, Noursadeghi, M, Fricker, N, Beier, E, Klaschik, S, Boor, P, Hess, T, Hofmann, A, Holdenrieder, S, Wendland, JR, Frohlich, H, Hartmann, G, Nothen, MM, Muller-Myhsok, B, Putz, B, Hornung, V and Schumacher, J
    (See online at
  • (2014) Crosstalk between sentinel and helper macrophages permits neutrophil migration into infected uroepithelium; Cell 156, 456-468
    Schiwon, M, Weisheit, C, Franken, L, Gutweiler, S, Dixit, A, Meyer-Schwesinger, C, Pohl, JM, Maurice, NJ, Thiebes, S, Lorenz, K, Quast, T, Fuhrmann, M, Baumgarten, G, Lohse, MJ, Opdenakker, G, Bernhagen, J, Bucala, R, Panzer, U, Kolanus, W, Grone, HJ, Garbi, N, Kastenmuller, W, Knolle, PA, Kurts, C and Engel, DR
    (See online at
  • (2014) Cytosolic RNA:DNA hybrids activate the cGAS-STING axis; EMBO J 33, 2937-2946
    Mankan, AK, Schmidt, T, Chauhan, D, Goldeck, M, Honing, K, Gaidt, M, Kubarenko, AV, Andreeva, L, Hopfner, KP and Hornung, V
    (See online at
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    Sommer, D, Peters, A, Wirtz, T, Mai, M, Ackermann, J, Thabet, Y, Schmidt, J, Weighardt, H, Wunderlich, FT, Degen, J, Schultze, JL and Beyer, M
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  • (2014) Efficient solid-phase synthesis of pppR- NA by using product-specific labeling; Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 53, 4694-4698
    Goldeck, M, Tuschl, T, Hartmann, G and Ludwig, J
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  • (2014) High-density lipoprotein mediates anti-inflammatory reprogramming of macrophages via the transcriptional regulator ATF3; Nat Immunol 15, 152-160
    De Nardo, D, Labzin, LI, Kono, H, Seki, R, Schmidt, SV, Beyer, M, Xu, D, Zimmer, S, Lahrmann, C, Schildberg, FA, Vogelhuber, J, Kraut, M, Ulas, T, Kerksiek, A, Krebs, W, Bode, N, Grebe, A, Fitzgerald, ML, Hernandez, NJ, Williams, BR, Knolle, P, Kneilling, M, Rocken, M, Lutjohann, D, Wright, SD, Schultze, JL and Latz, E
    (See online at
  • (2014) Immune cell-poor melanomas benefit from PD-1 blockade after targeted type I IFN activation; Cancer Discov 4, 674-687
    Bald, T, Landsberg, J, Lopez-Ramos, D, Renn, M, Glodde, N, Jansen, P, Gaffal, E, Steitz, J, Tolba, R, Kalinke, U, Limmer, A, Jonsson, G, Holzel, M and Tuting, T
    (See online at
  • (2014) Innate immune activation in neurodegenerative disease; Nat Rev Immunol 14, 463-477
    Heneka, MT, Kummer, MP and Latz, E
    (See online at
  • (2014) OAS proteins and cGAS: unifying concepts in sensing and responding to cytosolic nucleic acids; Nat Rev Immunol 14, 521-528
    Hornung, V, Hartmann, R, Ablasser, A and Hopfner, KP
    (See online at
  • (2014) Selection of motor programs for suppressing food intake and inducing locomotion in the Drosophila brain; PLoS Biol 12, e1001893
    Schoofs, A, Huckesfeld, S, Schlegel, P, Miroschnikow, A, Peters, M, Zeymer, M, Spiess, R, Chiang, AS and Pankratz, MJ
    (See online at
  • (2014) The adaptor ASC has extracellular and ‘prionoid’ activities that propagate inflammation; Nat Immunol 15, 727-737
    Franklin, BS, Bossaller, L, De Nardo, D, Ratter, JM, Stutz, A, Engels, G, Brenker, C, Nordhoff, M, Mirandola, SR, Al-Amoudi, A, Mangan, MS, Zimmer, S, Monks, BG, Fricke, M, Schmidt, RE, Espevik, T, Jones, B, Jarnicki, AG, Hansbro, PM, Busto, P, Marshak-Rothstein, A, Hornemann, S, Aguzzi, A, Kastenmuller, W and Latz, E
    (See online at
  • (2014) Transcriptome-based network analysis reveals a spectrum model of human macrophage activation; Immunity 40, 274-288
    Xue, J, Schmidt, SV, Sander, J, Draffehn, A, Krebs, W, Quester, I, De Nardo, D, Gohel, TD, Emde, M, Schmidleithner, L, Ganesan, H, Nino-Castro, A, Mallmann, MR, Labzin, L, Theis, H, Kraut, M, Beyer, M, Latz, E, Freeman, TC, Ulas, T and Schultze, JL
    (See online at
  • (2014) Ultraviolet-radiation-induced inflammation promotes angiotropism and metastasis in melanoma; Nature 507, 109-113
    Bald, T, Quast, T, Landsberg, J, Rogava, M, Glodde, N, Lopez-Ramos, D, Kohlmeyer, J, Riesenberg, S, van den Boorn-Konijnenberg, D, Homig-Holzel, C, Reuten, R, Schadow, B, Weighardt, H, Wenzel, D, Helfrich, I, Schadendorf, D, Bloch, W, Bianchi, ME, Lugassy, C, Barnhill, RL, Koch, M, Fleischmann, BK, Forster, I, Kastenmuller, W, Kolanus, W, Holzel, M, Gaffal, E and Tuting, T
    (See online at
  • (2015) A Conserved Histidine in the RNA Sensor RIG-I Controls Immune Tolerance to N1-2’O-Methylated Self RNA; Immunity 43, 41-51
    Schuberth-Wagner, C, Ludwig, J, Bruder, AK, Herzner, AM, Zillinger, T, Goldeck, M, Schmidt, T, Schmid-Burgk, JL, Kerber, R, Wolter, S, Stumpel, JP, Roth, A, Bartok, E, Drosten, C, Coch, C, Hornung, V, Barchet, W, Kummerer, BM, Hartmann, G and Schlee, M
    (See online at
  • (2015) A small-molecule inhibitor of the NLRP3 inflammasome for the treatment of inflammatory diseases; Nat Med 21, 248-255
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  • (2015) CXCR3 promotes plaque formation and behavioral deficits in an Alzheimer’s disease model; J Clin Invest 125, 365-378
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  • (2015) Doxycycline Leads to Sterility and Enhanced Killing of Female Onchocerca volvulus Worms in an Area With Persistent Microfilaridermia After Repeated Ivermectin Treatment: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Trial; Clin Infect Dis 61, 517-526
    Debrah, AY, Specht, S, Klarmann-Schulz, U, Batsa, L, Mand, S, Marfo-Debrekyei, Y, Fimmers, R, Dubben, B, Kwarteng, A, Osei-Atweneboana, M, Boakye, D, Ricchiuto, A, Buttner, M, Adjei, O, Mackenzie, CD and Hoerauf, A
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  • (2015) Endocannabinoid signalling and the deteriorating brain; Nat Rev Neurosci 16, 30-42
    Di Marzo, V, Stella, N and Zimmer, A
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  • (2015) Functional classification of memory CD8(+) T cells by CX3CR1 expression; Nat Commun 6, 8306
    Bottcher, JP, Beyer, M, Meissner, F, Abdullah, Z, Sander, J, Hochst, B, Eickhoff, S, Rieckmann, JC, Russo, C, Bauer, T, Flecken, T, Giesen, D, Engel, D, Jung, S, Busch, DH, Protzer, U, Thimme, R, Mann, M, Kurts, C, Schultze, JL, Kastenmuller, W and Knolle, PA
    (See online at
  • (2015) Genome-wide meta-analysis in alopecia areata resolves HLA associations and reveals two new susceptibility loci; Nat Commun 6, 5966
    Betz, RC, Petukhova, L, Ripke, S, Huang, H, Menelaou, A, Redler, S, Becker, T, Heilmann, S, Yamany, T, Duvic, M, Hordinsky, M, Norris, D, Price, VH, Mackay-Wiggan, J, de Jong, A, DeStefano, GM, Moebus, S, Bohm, M, Blume-Peytavi, U, Wolff, H, Lutz, G, Kruse, R, Bian, L, Amos, CI, Lee, A, Gregersen, PK, Blaumeiser, B, Altshuler, D, Clynes, R, de Bakker, PIW, Noethen, MM, Daly, MJ and Christiano, AM
    (See online at
  • (2015) Innate immunity in Alzheimer’s disease; Nat Immunol 16, 229-236
    Heneka, MT, Golenbock, DT and Latz, E
    (See online at
  • (2015) MITF and c-Jun antagonism interconnects melanoma dedifferentiation with pro-inflammatory cytokine responsiveness and myeloid cell recruitment; Nat Commun 6, 8755
    Riesenberg, S, Groetchen, A, Siddaway, R, Bald, T, Reinhardt, J, Smorra, D, Kohlmeyer, J, Renn, M, Phung, B, Aymans, P, Schmidt, T, Hornung, V, Davidson, I, Goding, CR, Jonsson, G, Landsberg, J, Tuting, T and Holzel, M
    (See online at
  • (2015) Robust Anti-viral Immunity Requires Multiple Distinct T Cell-Dendritic Cell Interactions; Cell 162, 1322-1337
    Eickhoff, S, Brewitz, A, Gerner, MY, Klauschen, F, Komander, K, Hemmi, H, Garbi, N, Kaisho, T, Germain, RN and Kastenmuller, W
    (See online at
  • (2015) Sequence-specific activation of the DNA sensor cGAS by Y-form DNA structures as found in primary HIV-1 cDNA; Nat Immunol 16, 1025-1033
    Herzner, AM, Hagmann, CA, Goldeck, M, Wolter, S, Kubler, K, Wittmann, S, Gramberg, T, Andreeva, L, Hopfner, KP, Mertens, C, Zillinger, T, Jin, T, Xiao, TS, Bartok, E, Coch, C, Ackermann, D, Hornung, V, Ludwig, J, Barchet, W, Hartmann, G and Schlee, M
    (See online at
  • (2015) The structure of FMNL2-Cdc42 yields insights into the mechanism of lamellipodia and filopodia formation; Nat Commun 6, 7088
    Kuhn, S, Erdmann, C, Kage, F, Block, J, Schwenkmezger, L, Steffen, A, Rottner, K and Geyer, M
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  • (2015) The translocon protein Sec61 mediates antigen transport from endosomes in the cytosol for cross-presentation to CD8(+) T cells; Immunity 42, 850-863
    Zehner, M, Marschall, AL, Bos, E, Schloetel, JG, Kreer, C, Fehrenschild, D, Limmer, A, Ossendorp, F, Lang, T, Koster, AJ, Dubel, S and Burgdorf, S
    (See online at
  • (2016) Alzheimer’s disease risk variants modulate endophenotypes in mild cognitive impairment; Alzheimers Dement 12, 872-881
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  • (2016) An NLRP3-specific inflammasome inhibitor attenuates crystal-induced kidney fibrosis in mice; Kidney Int 90, 525-539
    Ludwig-Portugall, I, Bartok, E, Dhana, E, Evers, BD, Primiano, MJ, Hall, JP, Franklin, BS, Knolle, PA, Hornung, V, Hartmann, G, Boor, P, Latz, E and Kurts, C
    (See online at
  • (2016) Anxiety, Stress, and Fear Response in Mice With Reduced Endocannabinoid Levels; Biol Psychiatry 79, 858-868
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  • (2016) Central relay of bitter taste to the protocerebrum by peptidergic interneurons in the Drosophila brain; Nat Commun 7, 12796
    Huckesfeld, S, Peters, M and Pankratz, MJ
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  • (2016) CRISPaint allows modular base-specific gene tagging using a ligase-4-dependent mechanism; Nat Commun 7, 12338
    chmid-Burgk, JL, Honing, K, Ebert, TS and Hornung, V
    (See online at
  • (2016) Critical role of fatty acid metabolism in ILC2-mediated barrier protection during malnutrition and helminth infection; J Exp Med 213, 1409-1418
    Wilhelm, C, Harrison, OJ, Schmitt, V, Pelletier, M, Spencer, SP, Urban, JF, Jr., Ploch, M, Ramalingam, TR, Siegel, RM and Belkaid, Y
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  • (2016) Cyclodextrin promotes atherosclerosis regression via macrophage reprogramming; Sci Transl Med 8, 333ra350
    Zimmer, S, Grebe, A, Bakke, SS, Bode, N, Halvorsen, B, Ulas, T, Skjelland, M, De Nardo, D, Labzin, LI, Kerksiek, A, Hempel, C, Heneka, MT, Hawxhurst, V, Fitzgerald, ML, Trebicka, J, Bjorkhem, I, Gustafsson, JA, Westerterp, M, Tall, AR, Wright, SD, Espevik, T, Schultze, JL, Nickenig, G, Lutjohann, D and Latz, E
    (See online at
  • (2016) Discriminating self from non-self in nucleic acid sensing; Nat Rev Immunol 16, 566-580
    Schlee, M and Hartmann, G
    (See online at
  • (2016) Human lymphoid organ dendritic cell identity is predominantly dictated by ontogeny, not tissue microenvironment; Sci Immunol 1, eaai7677
    Heidkamp, GF, Sander, J, Lehmann, CHK, Heger, L, Eissing, N, Baranska, A, Luhr, JJ, Hoffmann, A, Reimer, KC, Lux, A, Soder, S, Hartmann, A, Zenk, J, Ulas, T, McGovern, N, Alexiou, C, Spriewald, B, Mackensen, A, Schuler, G, Schauf, B, Forster, A, Repp, R, Fasching, PA, Purbojo, A, Cesnjevar, R, Ullrich, E, Ginhoux, F, Schlitzer, A, Nimmerjahn, F, Schultze, JL and Dudziak, D
    (See online at
  • (2016) Human Monocytes Engage an Alternative Inflammasome Pathway; Immunity 44, 833-846
    Gaidt, MM, Ebert, TS, Chauhan, D, Schmidt, T, Schmid-Burgk, JL, Rapino, F, Robertson, AA, Cooper, MA, Graf, T and Hornung, V
    (See online at
  • (2016) Inflammasome-Dependent Induction of Adaptive NK Cell Memory; Immunity 44, 1406-1421
    van den Boorn, JG, Jakobs, C, Hagen, C, Renn, M, Luiten, RM, Melief, CJ, Tuting, T, Garbi, N, Hartmann, G and Hornung, V
    (See online at
  • (2016) Mannose receptor induces T-cell tolerance via inhibition of CD45 and up-regulation of CTLA-4; Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 113, 10649-10654
    Schuette, V, Embgenbroich, M, Ulas, T, Welz, M, Schulte-Schrepping, J, Draffehn, AM, Quast, T, Koch, K, Nehring, M, Konig, J, Zweynert, A, Harms, FL, Steiner, N, Limmer, A, Forster, I, Berberich-Siebelt, F, Knolle, PA, Wohlleber, D, Kolanus, W, Beyer, M, Schultze, JL and Burgdorf, S
    (See online at
  • (2016) Specification of tissue-resident macrophages during organogenesis; Science 353, eaaf4238
    Mass, E, Ballesteros, I, Farlik, M, Halbritter, F, Gunther, P, Crozet, L, Jacome-Galarza, CE, Handler, K, Klughammer, J, Kobayashi, Y, Gomez-Perdiguero, E, Schultze, JL, Beyer, M, Bock, C and Geissmann, F
    (See online at
  • (2016) The transcriptional regulator network of human inflammatory macrophages is defined by open chromatin; Cell Res 26, 151-170
    Schmidt, SV, Krebs, W, Ulas, T, Xue, J, Bassler, K, Gunther, P, Hardt, AL, Schultze, H, Sander, J, Klee, K, Theis, H, Kraut, M, Beyer, M and Schultze, JL
    (See online at
  • (2016) Thoughts on Obesity and Brain Glucose; Cell 165, 773-775
    Heneka, MT and Nicotera, P
    (See online at
  • (2016) Trained immunity: A program of innate immune memory in health and disease; Science 352, aaf1098
    Netea, MG, Joosten, LA, Latz, E, Mills, KH, Natoli, G, Stunnenberg, HG, O’Neill, LA and Xavier, RJ
    (See online at
  • (2016) Tumor-necrosis factor impairs CD4(+) T cell-mediated immunological control in chronic viral infection; Nat Immunol 17, 593-603
    Beyer, M, Abdullah, Z, Chemnitz, JM, Maisel, D, Sander, J, Lehmann, C, Thabet, Y, Shinde, PV, Schmidleithner, L, Kohne, M, Trebicka, J, Schierwagen, R, Hofmann, A, Popov, A, Lang, KS, Oxenius, A, Buch, T, Kurts, C, Heikenwalder, M, Fatkenheuer, G, Lang, PA, Hartmann, P, Knolle, PA and Schultze, JL
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