Project Details
Control of dynamical structures and transport in driven colloidal systems (B02)
Subject Area
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
from 2011 to 2022
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 163436311
The present project aims at developing control strategies for dynamical phenomena in colloidal systems. In the upcoming funding period we will focus on a) open-loop and feedback control of oscillatory dynamics and local structure under shear, b) transport under a time-delayed feedback force, and c) feedback control of spatiotemporal dynamics on the mesoscale. New aspects concern the interplay of control and thermodynamics, as well as control in active systems. We employ a spectrum of methods including stochastic delay equations, Fokker-Planck equations, particle-based simulations, and continuum theory. The results will be relevant in the areas of rheology, nanotribology and single-particle manipulation.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Subproject of
SFB 910:
Control of Self-Organising Non-Linear Systems: Theoretical Methods and Concepts of Application
Applicant Institution
Technische Universität Berlin
Project Head
Professorin Dr. Sabine Klapp