Sulphur isotope analysis of modern and archaeological animal remains from marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems on the west coast of Canada
Final Report Abstract
The project aimed to reconstruct ecological and dietary conditions at the West coast of British Columbia and North-America. Therefore, the focus for this is the analysis of sulphur isotopes in conjunction with carbon and nitrogen isotopes from bone collagen of marine, terrestrial and freshwater faunal species. Four sub-projects were defined with specific research hypotheses: 1) marine mammalian behavior, 2) isotopic changes in migratory fish, 3) characterizing marine and freshwater isotopic compositions, and 4) the distinction between freshwater and terrestrial dietary resources. The obtained results offer interpretations about the importance of the marine and freshwater ecology at the west coast of British Columbia for First Nation groups as well as their dietarycultural habits in the past. Furthermore, the findings allowed to be implemented in forensic, climatic and ecological research and will be further conducted in several following externally funded projects.
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