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The evolution of Endopterygota - reconstructing the phylogeny of the most successful lineage of organisms with phylogenomic and morphological data

Subject Area Evolution, Anthropology
Term from 2010 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 184951762
Final Report Year 2015

Final Report Abstract

Phylogenetic relationships of holometabolous insects have long been debated. Previous molecular and morphological analyses failed to deliver a robust backbone tree of this group of organisms which constitutes almost 1/3 of all described metazoan animals. Holometabolous insects are characterized by their unique complete metamorphosis after a larval period into the adult organism. In this project we reconstructed a backbone tree of holometabolous insects based on transcriptome sequence data and compared these analyses with reanalyses of extensive morphological data. We can show that with an unprecedented amount of amino-acid sequence data and novel bioinformatic approaches to analyze these data, we are able to reconstruct a robust backbone tree of holometabolous insects. In order to achieve this result, we needed to develop several new tools to perform extensive quality management of the data. Our approach has the potential to deliver new standard tools in phylogenomics. We use the inferred backbone tree to reconstruct the morphology of an ancestral holometabolous larva. This reconstruction of the ancestral holometabolous larva and our reconstruction of robust holometabolous insect relationships delivers entirely new insights into the evolution of holometabolous insects.



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