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Kompetenzentwicklung mit Eingebetteten Mikro- und Nanosystemen - KOMINA

Subject Area Computer Architecture, Embedded and Massively Parallel Systems
Term from 2010 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 183852739
On the basis of the "Empirically Refined Competence Structure Model (ECSM)" computer engineering education, in particular the development of embedded micro- and nanosystems (EMNS) under the condition of the diversification of prior knowledge of the participants will be fostered. Komina II has three focal points:1. Multicore processors will be used in EMNS. That will influence the ECSM. Experiments and learning software that focuses on such competencies are used for the measurement of competencies and the evaluation of the ECSM.2. The ECSM will be extended with competencies, which students need to deal with non-functional requirements.3. The important rated non-cognitive competencies will be promoted through designing a more complete project with milestones, interfaces between the groups and task distribution. The initial conceptual design of the new practical courses will be checked for the relations to the competencies of the ECSM. In this way, possible required improvements will be identified. Furthermore, each experiment will be tested empirically by video recordings documenting possible learning difficulties.
DFG Programme Research Grants
Participating Person Professor Dr. Rainer Brück

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