Project Details
Subject Area
Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
Funded in 2010
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 183747987
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
(2011) Product variability of the ‘cineole cassette’ monoterpene synthases of related Nicotiana Species. Molecular Plant 4: 965-984
Fähnrich A., Krause K., Piechulla B.
(2011). A context-dependent combination of Wnt receptors controls axis elongation and leg development in a short germ insect. Development 138, 2793-2805
Beermann, A., Prühs, R., Lutz, R., Schröder, R.
(2011): An integrative approach to species delineation incorporating different species concepts: a case study of Limnadopsis (Branchiopoda: Spinicaudata). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 104: 575-599
Schwentner, M., Timms, B.V., Richter, S.
(2012) Synthesis of ‘cineole cassette’ monoterpenes in Nicotiana section Alatae: gene isolation, expression, functional characterization and phylogenetic analysis. Plant Mol Biol 79: 537-553
Fähnrich A., Brosemann A., Teske L., Neumann M., Piechulla B.
(2012): Flying with the birds? - Recent large-area dispersal of four Limnadopsis species (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Spinicaudata). Ecology and Evolution 2: 1605-1626
Schwentner, M., Timms, B.V., Richter, S.
(2013). Cyclestheria hislopi (Crustacea: Branchiopoda): A group of morphologically cryptic species with origins in the Cretaceous. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 66: 800-810
Schwentner, M., Clavier, S., Fritsch, M., Olesen, J., Padhye, S., Timms, B.V., Richter, S.
(2013). FGF signalling controls anterior extraembryonic and embryonic fate in the beetle Tribolium. Developmental Biology, 381: 121-133
Sharma, R., Beermann, A., Schröder, R.
(2013). Photosynthetic performance of different genotypes of the green alga Klebsormidium sp. (Streptophyta) isolated from biological soil crusts of the Alps. Algological Studies 142, 45-62
Karsten, U., Pröschold, T., Mikhailyuk, T., Holzinger, A.
(2013). The dynamic expression of extraembryonic marker genes in the beetle Tribolium castaneum reveals the complexity of serosa and amnion formation in a short germ insect. Gene Expression Patterns, 13: 362-371
Sharma, R., Beermann, A., Schröder, R.
(2014) (Cryptic) sex in the microsporidian Nosema granulosis - Evidence from parasite rDNA and host mitochondrial DNA". Infection, Genetics and Evolutic 21:259-68
Krebes L, Zeidler L, Frankowski J, Bastrop R.
(2014) Characteristic alatoid 'cineole cassette' monoterpene synthase present in Nicotiana noctiflora. Plant Molecular Biology 85, 135-145
Fähnrich A., Neumann M., Piechulla B.
(2014) Desiccation, temperature and light tolerance in members of the aeroterrestrial green algal genus Interfilum (Streptophyta) from biogeographically different temperate soils. Journal of Phycology 50, 804-816
Karsten, U., Herburger, K., Holzinger, A.
(2014) Green algae in alpine biological soil crust communities: acclimation strategies against ultraviolet radiation and dehydration. Biodiversity and Conservation 23, 1845-1858
Karsten, U., Holzinger, A.
(2014) Morphological and ultrastructural aspects of Interfilum and Klebsormidium (Klebsormidiales, Streptophyta) with special reference to cell division and thallus formation. European Journal of Phycology 49, 395-412
Mikhailyuk, T., Holzinger, A., Massalski, A., Karsten, U.
(2014) UV-induced effects on growth, photosynthetic performance and sunscreen contents in different populations of the green alga Klebsormidium fluitans (Streptophyta) from alpine soil crusts. Microbial Ecology 67, 327-340
Kitzing, C., Pröschold, T., Karsten, U.
(2014) VOC emission of various Serratia species and isolates and genome analysis of Serratia plymuthica 4Rx13. FEMS Microbiology Letters 352, 45-53
Weise T., Thürmer A., Brady S., Kai M., Daniel R., Gottschalk G., Piechulla B.
(2014): An investigation into the morphology and genetics of Cyclotella comensis and closely related
taxa. Diatom Research 29(3-4): 423-437
Kistenich, S., Dressler, M., Zimmermann, J., Hübener, T., Bastrop, R., Jahn, R.
(2014): Evolutionary systematics of the Australian Eocyzicus fauna (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Spinicaudata) reveals hidden diversity and phylogeographic structure. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 52: 15-31
Schwentner, M., Timms, B.V. & S. Richter