Project Details
Electronic Structure of Doped Silicon Clusters and Metal Cluster-Hydrocarbon Hybrids
Dr. André Fielicke
Subject Area
Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
from 2010 to 2017
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 120401550
We aim to combine doping and surface modification of silicon clusters to tune their stability and functionality, i.e. the optical properties. This sub-project focuses on the spectroscopic investigation of the geometric and electronic structures of doped and surface modified silicon clusters in the gas-phase. We will apply vibrational spectroscopy for the investigation of the structural properties and anion photoelectron spectroscopy for obtaining insights into the electronic structures. In combination with theory we aim to achieve an understanding for the interplay of modification of the electronic and geometrical structures upon doping and chemical surface alteration.
DFG Programme
Research Units