Signal-Verarbeitung für Relais-basierte kooperative Breitband-Funkübertragung
Final Report Abstract
The goals of this project are to develop distributed signal processing techniques for the successful implementation of cooperative communications and relay networks. We focus on AF based relay network which fetches more challenges due to the mixture of the first and the second transmission phase. We have completed most topics that were promised in the proposals and have developed new algorithms for channel estimation, time and frequency synchronization, data detection, as well as distributed beamforming, precoder design, resource allocation, etc. In fact, we have covered almost all signal processing aspects within the framework of AF relay network. These algorithms take into consideration of the special structure of relaying scheme and demonstrate their outstanding performance than the traditional algorithms. Since our group is one of the earliest to look into the signal processing issues for relay networks, the results have attracted lots of attention worldwide and have been cited many times in a very short time by world famous research groups. As is widely known, we are approaching the 4G wireless communication system, for which the LTE and LTE-A are already determined as the standard candidates by 3GPP. In LTE and LTE-A, the relay has been involved as one of the key technology that is different from the 3G wireless system. Moreover, relay may play an important role in D2D communications, femtocells, multi-hop communications, etc., that are recognized as the possible technologies in 5G wireless communications. Hence, the signal processing results of relay network from this project may well contribute to the coming and the future wireless communications systems.
"Channel Estimation and Training Design for Two-Way Relay Networks with Power Allocation," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.,vol. 9, no. 6. pp. 2022-2032, June 2010
B. Jiang, F. Gao, X.-Q. Gao, and A. Nallanathan
"A Joint Resource Allocation Scheme for Multiuser Two-Way Relay Networks," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 2970-2975, Nov. 2011
S. Guftaar, F. Gao, W. Chen, and A. Nallanathan
"Channel Estimation and Training Design for Two-Way Relay Networks in Time-Selective Fading Environments," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 2681-2691, Aug. 2011
G. Wang, F. Gao, W. Chen, and C. Tellambura
"Joint CFO and Channel Estimation for OFDM Based Two-Way Relay Networks," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 456-465, Feb. 2011
G. Wang, F. Gao, Y.-C. Wu, and C. Tellambura
"Multicell Downlink Beannforming with Imperfect Channel Knowledge at Both Transceiver Sides," IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 15, no. 10, pp. 1075-1077, Oct. 2011
P. Dhananjaya, F. Gao, M. Bode, X. Liao
"Superimposed Training Based Channel Estimation for OFDM Modulated Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 59, no. 7, pp. 2029-2039, July, 2011
F. Gao, B. Jiang, X.-Q. Gao, and X.-D. Zhang