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Dated speleothems, archives of the paleoenvironment

Subject Area Palaeontology
Term from 2005 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 16276678
The main goals of the proposed research are: (1) to investigate the fundamental mechanisms which control speleothem growth and composition, (2) to obtain high resolution information of the intensity of paleo-precipitation and probably paleo-temperature, and (3) to establish speleothems as a precisely dated archive providing quantitative paleoclimate information. The Forschergruppe (FG) aims to refine the application of stable isotopes and trace elements in stalagmites as proxies for climate in the past. The relationship between the soluble phase and the archive will be determined with lab experiments and in two natural cave systems. The combination of these experiments will deliver a transfer function for the interpretation of climate signals in speleothems. Additionally, a procedure to measure noble gases in fluid inclusions of speleothems to reconstruct the cave temperature will be developed. Selected Holocene and Eemian stalagmites from these two caves will be investigated at high resolution. The Forschergruppe consists of experts in different fields who will provide their know how (Th/U-dating, measurement of stable isotopes, mineralogical analyses, geochemistry of trace elements, 14C-dating and statistical time-series analysis) to the group. The very close collaboration of these experts promises a high degree of synergy. The central project (ZPO) will coordinate the work of the FG. All Th/U-datings as well as stable isotope and trace element measurements in the FG will be performed within this project. The results will be interpreted and modeled in ZPO in close collaboration with the other projects in the FG.
DFG Programme Research Units

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