Project Details
Analysis and Control of Isomerization Processes
Dr. Cosmin Lupulescu
Subject Area
Physical Chemistry of Molecules, Liquids and Interfaces, Biophysical Chemistry
from 2005 to 2008
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 15314596
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
The goal of the project was to measure conformational changes in model systems and biologic molecules induced either by thermal processes or by laser excitation. The preliminary experiments gave hints that different isomers could be distinguished in both cases by measuring their electric susceptibility. These findings reveal the importance of studying the electric dipole as intrinsic property of biological relevant molecules. Due to an unfortunate technical failure, these studies could not be continued and further verified.
Groupe de Recherche (GDR), 20-22. Juni 2006, Orsay, Frankreich. "Multisample source for investigating biomolecules in the gas phase"
C. Lupulescu, R. Antoine, M. Abd El Rahim, J. Maurelli, X. Dagany, M. Barbaire, M. Broyer and Ph. Dugourd
International Symposium for Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters (ISSPIC 13), 23-28. Juli 2006, Göteborg, Schweden. "An Experimental Apparatus to Study Biomolecules in Molecular Seams"
C. Lupulescu, R. Antoine, M. Abd El Rahim, M. Barbaire, M. Broyer, X. Dagany, J. Maurelli, and Ph. Dugourd
Multisample matrix-assisted laser desorption source for molecular beams of neutral peptides. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77, 125102 (2006)
C. Lupulescu, M. Abd El Rahim, R. Antoine, M. Barbaire, M. Broyer, X. Dagany, J. Maurelli, D. Rayane, and Ph. Dugourd
"Multisample matrix-assisted laser desorption source for molecular beams of neutral peptides - First Applications and Perspectives". Institut für Experimentalphysik, Freie Universität Berlin, Arbeitsgruppe Wöste, 14 Febr 2007
Cosmin Lupulescu
GDR (Thermodynamique, Fragmentation et Agregation de systemes moleculaires complexes isoles), 8-11. Mai 2007, Giens, Frankreich. "Electric Dipole as a Probe for Conformational Changes in Biomolecules"
C. Lupulescu, D. Rayane, R. Antoine, M. Broyer, and Ph. Dugourd
"Matrix-assisted laser desorption source for neutral peptide beams". BESSY GmbH, Berlin, 18 Jan 2008
Cosmin Lupulescu