Project Details
Rechnercluster mit Zubehör
Subject Area
Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
Funded in 2009
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 138813507
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
A Functional Test of Neandertal and Modern Human Mitochondrial Targeting Sequences. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010 26;402(4):747-9
Gralle M, Schäfer I, Seibel P, Pääbo S
Repair of Chronic Osteochondral Defects Using Predifferentiated Mesenchymal Stem Cells in an Ovine Model. Am J Sports Med. 2010 38(9):1857-69 Epub 2010 May 27
Josten C, Bader A, Marquass B
Biotransformation of diazepam in a clinical relevant flat membrane bioreactor model using primary porcine hepatocytes. Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 2011 25(3):343-53
Maringka M, Giri S, Nieber K, Açikgöz A, Bader A
Eosinophils contribute to IL-4 production and shape the T helper cytokine profile and inflammatory response in pulmonary cryptococcosis. Am J Pathol 2011 5(3):299-310
Piehler D, Stenzel W, Grahnert A, Held J, Richter L, Köhler G, Richter T, Eschke M, Alber G und Müller U
Tight control of mitochondrial membrane potential by cytochrome c oxidase. Mitochondrion. 2011 11(2):334-41
Pacelli C, Latorre D, Cocco T, Capuano F, Kukat C, Seibel P, Villani G
Api88 Is a Novel Antibacterial Designer Peptide To Treat Systemic Infections with Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negative Pathogens. ACS Chem. Biol. 2012, May 17
Czihal P, Knappe D, Fritsche S, Zahn M, Berthold N, Piantavigna S, Müller U, Van Dorpe S, Herth N, Binas A, Köhler G, De Spiegeleer B, Martin LL, Nolte O, Sträter N, Alber G, Hoffmann R
Crystal structure of a supercharged variant of the human enteropeptidase light chain. Proteins 2012 80, 1907-1910
Simeonov P, Zahn M, Sträter N, Zuchner T
Genomic and Morphological Evidence Converge to Resolve the Enigma of Strepsiptera. Current Biology, 2012
Niehuis O et al.
Induced Tauopathy in a Novel 3D-Culture Model Mediates Neurodegenerative Processes: A Real-Time Study on Biochips. PLoS ONE 2012 7(11): e49150
Seidel D, Krinke D, Jahnke H-G, Hirche A, Kloß D, Mack TGA, Striggow F, Robitzki A
Lack of IL-4 receptor expression on T helper cells reduces T helper 2 cell polyfunctionality and confers resistance in allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis. Mucosal Immunol 2012 5(3):299-310
Müller U, Piehler D, Stenzel W, Köhler G, Frey O, Held J, Grahnert A, Richter T, Eschke M, Kamradt T, Brombacher F und Alber G
MITOS: Improved de novo metazoan mitochondrial genome annotation. Mol Phyl Evol, 2012
M. Bernt, A. Donath, F. Jühling, F. Externbrink, C. Florentz, G, Fritzsch, J. Pütz, M. Middendorf, and P. F. Stadler
Impedance spectroscopy – an outstanding method for label-free and real-time discrimination between brain and tumor tissue in vivo. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2013
Jahnke H-G, Heimann A, Azendorf R, Mpoukouvalas K, Kempski O, Robitzki A, Charalampaki P