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SFB 677:  Function by Switching

Subject Area Chemistry
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Term from 2007 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 13266514
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

Switching is the elementary step in most engineering functions and machines. Switches provide the basis of technical and biological processes such as directed transport, pumping, energy conversion, sensing, information storage and processing. Miniaturization of the switching units in electronic circuits and mechanical components triggered an unprecedented development referred to as the second technological revolution that changed our life and society in many aspects. It has been predicted that the so-called third industrial revolution will be based on technologies that can shrink three-dimensional objects. The ultimate limit of miniaturization for the construction of functional objects are molecular switches. Beyond providing superior efficiency, molecular switches and machines are compatible in size and function with biological systems and molecular electronics, and thus allow unprecedented applications and hybrid technologies. The enormous potential of this field has been widely recognized and finally awarded with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2016 to Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Fraser Stoddart and Ben Feringa. Summing up, when we started our SFB in 2007 we chose the right topic at the right time. By entering the field at an early stage, we were able to contribute substantially to the development at an internationally competitive level. During three funding periods, our SFB attained worldwide visibility and recognition. A molecular switch is not yet a machine and switching does not necessarily lead to a useful function. To convert a switching event into a function, the molecular switch has to be embedded into a well-defined environment and must interact in a controlled fashion. Consequently, we divided our SFB into three project areas: A: Design, synthesis and characterization in solution, B: immobilization and investigation on surfaces and C: Implementation of switches in materials. In average more than 100 scientists (PhD students, postdocs, professors) from chemistry, physics, materials science and pharmacy collaborated throughout the funding duration. To foster interdisciplinary collaboration, PIs from different fields jointly supervised the majority of projects. Major breakthroughs were achieved in all three areas. New switches with unsurpassed efficiencies (quantum yields, conversion rates and fatigue resistance) and unprecedented functions such as the first magnetically bistable molecules were developed. Two seminal publications were cited each well above 200 times and triggered new research areas and applications, such as the development of light-activatable drugs and functional contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging. Within project area B, we developed a novel strategy to immobilize molecules on surfaces, the so-called platform concept. Since our publication in 2009, numerous groups worldwide are using our method. Applying our strategy, we discovered a new type of catalysis via a non-adiabatic mechanism mediated by bulk metal surfaces, which might be used to develop new catalysts. Further highlights were the discovery and detailed investigation of spincrossover compounds on surfaces and studies into the electrical conductance of molecular switches and other controlled contacts. Key for the success of SFB677 was the close collaboration of scientists from different disciplines. Among the 400 publications in peer-reviewed journals and 6 patents 21% were joined papers from PIs of different projects and more than 50% include the names of two PIs in the author list. The visibility and quality of our research is documented by the 14 members of the SFB 677 who received outside calls and accepted permanent positions as professors. 75 Dissertations have been completed. Beyond the scientific success, our SFB exerted a major impact on the research priorities of Kiel University. A new research focus, the Kiel Nano Surface and Interface Science (KiNSIS) was kicked off in 2013. We are also particularly proud that SFB members launched two successful startup companies.



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