Project Details
Professor Dr. Peter Hoor
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Fachbereich Physik, Mathematik und Informatik
Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre
Johann-Joachim-Becherweg 21
55128 Mainz
As Applicant
Current projects
Trace Gas Budgets and Interhemispheric Differences of Composition and Transport in the UTLS (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
PHILEAS (Probing high latitude export of air from the Asian summer monsoon) (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Eddy shedding transport from the Asian monsoon as a source of pollution for the lowermost stratosphere (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Towards a quantification of vortex impact on the arctic lowermost stratosphere (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
ATMOCHEM - POllution: MODeling and ObseRvatiOns (POMODORO) (Research Grants)
WISE: Wave driven isentropic exchange (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Mixing processes in the stratosphere from fine to global scales with a fast high precision QCL spectrometer for N2O and CO on HALO (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Transport and composition of the southern hemisphere UTLS (SOUTHTRAC) (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Current projects
As Spokesperson
Current projects
TRR 301: The tropopause region in a changing atmosphere (CRC/Transregios)
Current projects
As Project Head
Current projects
Fine scale composition gradients and mixing at the tropopause region (CRC/Transregios)
Central coordination and observational data synthesis (CRC/Transregios)
Current projects
- As Cooperation Partner
- As Co-Investigator