Project Details
Dr. Kai-Uwe Hess
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
Sektion Mineralogie, Petrologie und Geochemie
Theresienstraße 41
80333 München
ORCID-ID 0000-0003-1860-8543
As Applicant
Completed projects
Viscous flow of magmas from Unzen volcano, Japan - Implications for magma ascent and emplacement (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Development of an ultra-high resolution neutron computed tomography system for the characterisation of drill cores. (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
2D and 3D fabric quantification of conduit textures to understand eruption dynamics and mechanisms: unique in situ example of Mt Unzen (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
- As Participating Person
As Co-Investigator
Current projects
Completed projects
Decompression of Krafla magma: From immobile magma mush to explosive foaming? (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Current projects