Project Details
Professor Dr. Lutz Wiegrebe (†)
As Applicant
Completed projects
Hörobjektbildung basierend auf der Zeitstruktur akustischer Signale (Research Units)
Stochastische Echos in der Echoabbildung von Fledermäusen (Research Grants)
Dynamische Objektanalyse in der Echoabbildung (Research Grants)
Auditorische Echoanalyse versus Echounterdrückung beim Menschen (Research Grants)
The spatial and temporal resolution of bat sonar (Research Grants)
Coding of spatial and temporal frequency in bat biosonar (Research Grants)
Completed projects
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Zentralprojekt (Research Units)
Completed projects
As Ehemaliger Antragsteller
Completed projects
Biosonar processing of rare objects in complex scenes (Research Grants) to 2/2020
Acoustical Awareness, Orientation, and Navigation in Rooms (Research Grants) to 8/2021
Completed projects