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Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Institut für Physik
Fachgruppe NMR
Betty-Heimann-Straße 7
06120 Halle
This institution in GERiT
06120 Halle
Research Grants
Current projects
Fundamental roles of the Coordination Geometry in Transient Metallo-supramolecular Polymer Networks: Insights from the Stimuli-responsive Mussel-inspired Hydrogels
Ahmadi, Ph.D., Mostafa
Physics of strain hardening in glassy polymers
Saalwächter, Kay
Completed projects
Beschaffung eines Kernresonanzspektrometers mit einer magnetischen Induktion von 17,6 T in einem wide-bore-Magnet
Michel, Dieter
Bestimmung der Orientierungsverteilungsfunktionen in Polymeren mit Hilfe spezieller Festkörper-NMR-Methoden
Hempel, Günter
Constrained dynamics in interphases of model filled elastomers - effect of interface chemistry on crosslinking, local stress distribution and mechanics (DINaFil)
Saalwächter, Kay
Correlation of molecular dynamic and mechanical properties in the linear and non-linear regime of comb-like homopolymers via FT-rheology and multi-quantum-NMR-spectroscopy
Saalwächter, Kay
Wilhelm, Manfred
Crack path simulation and directional instability in inhomogeneous mechanical, thermo-mechanical and electro-mechanical fields.
Saalwächter, Kay
Inhomogeneities and phase separation in pulmonary surfactant extracts
Mendes Ferreira, Ph.D., Tiago
Modifizierung von Kunststoffen mittels disperser Gummizusätze - Charakterisierung der Elastphase
Hempel, Günter
Orientierung, Struktur und Dynamik der Hauptkette in flüssigkristallinen Seitenkettenpolymeren
Hempel, Günter
Preparation and aging effects in PEO-based nanocomposites
Saalwächter, Kay
Untersuchung der Dynamik verhakter Polymerschmelzen mit Hilfe der Multiquanten-Kernresonanzspektroskopie
Saalwächter, Kay
Untersuchungen zur molekularen Dynamik von Barstar/Barnase Komplexen mittels Festkörper-Austausch-NMR und Relaxationszeituntersuchungen
Reichert, Detlef
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2811: Adaptive Polymer Gels with Controlled Network Structure
Seiffert, Ph.D., Sebastian
Network mesh structure and macroscopic mechanics of amphiphilic conetworks
Saalwächter, Kay
Completed projects
NMR-spektroskopische Untersuchungen der membranmodifizierenden Eigenschaften polyphiler Moleküle: Struktur und Lipiddynamik
Saalwächter, Kay
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Charakterisierung heterogener Netzwerke: NMR- und Fluoreszenzkorrelationsspektroskopie
(Project Head
Saalwächter, Kay
Charakterisierung von nanophasenseparierten und heterogenen Netzwerken mittels NMR-Spektroskopie
(Project Head
Saalwächter, Kay
Struktur und Dynamik von anisotropen Hydrogelen
(Project Heads
Finkelmann, Heino
Saalwächter, Kay
Untersuchungen zur Kinetik von Phasenübergängen mittels IR- und NMR-Detektion
(Project Heads
Blume, Alfred
Hempel, Günter
Completed projects
Crystallization of polymer chains under anisotropic confinement in liquid crystals
(Project Head
Mendes Ferreira, Ph.D., Tiago
Effects of topological constraints in polymer melts on crystallization and structure formation
(Project Heads
Saalwächter, Kay
Thurn-Albrecht, Thomas
Integrated Research Training Group “Polymers: random coils and beyond”
(Project Head
Saalwächter, Kay
Organization and interactions of eye-lens crystallins: native states and cataract formation
(Project Heads
Balbach, Jochen
Saalwächter, Kay
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Console solid-state NMR 400 MHz
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
NMR investigations of self-healing processes in supramolecular elastomers
Saalwächter, Kay
Polymeric Interphases in Self-Ordered Porous Alumina: NMR Investigations of the Chain Dynamics
Hübner, Christian
Saalwächter, Kay
Steinhart, Martin
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2670: Beyond Amphiphilicity: Self-Organization of Soft Matter Via Multiple Noncovalent Interactions
Hinderberger, Dariush
Completed projects
GRK 894: Self-organization by Coordinative and Non-covalent Interactions
Tschierske, Carsten
Additional Information
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