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Universität Kassel
Institut für Werkstofftechnik
Fachgebiet Metallische Werkstoffe
Mönchebergstraße 3
34125 Kassel
This institution in GERiT
34125 Kassel
Research Grants
Current projects
Acoustic emission screening of thermo-mechanically processed shape memory alloys in tension and compression – The role of irreversible processes in Fe-Ni-Co-Al-Ti-B SMA
Krooß, Philipp
Weidner, Anja
AISI4140 processed by powder bed electron beam melting with subsequent surface layer treatment - From process strategy to material properties
Niendorf, Thomas
Analysis and evaluation of the effects of residual stresses on the damage evolution in intrinsically manufactured hybrid materials under static and cyclic loading
Niendorf, Thomas
Tröster, Thomas
Combined production of AISI H13 tool steel using laser-based additive manufacturing and mechanical finishing to increase performance and durability
Bergmann, Benjamin
Niendorf, Thomas
Creep aging in aluminum-copper alloys – Interrelations between precipitate characteristics, monotonic behavior and fatigue properties
Keßler, Olaf
Niendorf, Thomas
Deformation and damage behavior of additively manufactured medium-manganese steels featuring an in situ established multiphase microstructure
Haase, Christian
Niendorf, Thomas
Design of microstructure and degradation behavior of oxide-particle modified Fe-based alloys processed by selective electron beam melting
Grundmeier, Guido
Maier, Hans Jürgen
Niendorf, Thomas
Direct microstructure design enabled by additive manufacturing of magnetic shape memory Ni-(Co)-Mn-Sn Heusler alloys for multicaloric applications
Niendorf, Thomas
Scheibel, Franziska
Evaluation of the impact of deep rolling on the mechanical and corrosion properties of additively manufactured aluminum alloy AlSi10Mg
Niendorf, Thomas
Walther, Frank
Evaluation of various effects on bend straightening properties of case hardened notched shafts
Niendorf, Thomas
Zinn, Wolfgang
Functionally graded Co-Ni-Ga high-temperature shape memory alloys manufactured via ultrasound assisted 3D laser-based directed energy deposition
Böhm, Stefan
Niendorf, Thomas
High strength and damage tolerant steel for additive manufacturing
Biermann, Horst
Niendorf, Thomas
Wendler, Marco
Impacts of adding nitrogen to aluminum-alloyed stainless steels through additive manufacturing and solid-state nitriding
Mola, Ph.D., Javad
Niendorf, Thomas
Volkova, Olena
Influence of microstructure and phase constitution on the deformation and damage behavior of high-manganese lightweight steels under cyclic loading
Niendorf, Thomas
Influence of precipitates on stress relaxation and fatigue behavior of prestressed Fe-based Shape Memory Alloys
Ghafoori, Elyas
Niendorf, Thomas
Influence of residual stresses on the crack propagation behavior in microstructurally graded samples manufactured by laser based additive manufacturing
Gibmeier, Jens
Niendorf, Thomas
Investigation and target-oriented improvement of the corrosion behavior of Fe-Mn-Al-Ni-Cr shape memory alloys
Niendorf, Thomas
Investigation of the process-dependent microstructure and mechanical properties of E-PBF processed Ti-27Nb-6Ta with low Young’s modulus based on pre-alloyed powders
Niendorf, Thomas
Micro-macro characterization and modeling of fatigue properties of hybrid welded joint of AlSi10Mg parts produced by selective laser melting and casting
Moeini, Ghazal
Niendorf, Thomas
On the impact of pre-deformation on the fatigue performance of metallic laminates
Niendorf, Thomas
Unique Microstructure established by the combination of Additive Manufacturing and Equal Channel Angular Pressing
Niendorf, Thomas
Completed projects
Analyse der Geschwindigkeitsverteilung von Strahlmittelteilchen bei Kugelstrahlprozessen und ihren Auswirkungen auf Almenintensität und randnahe Werkstoffeigenschaften
Scholtes, Berthold
Analysis and assessment of residual stress components normal to the surface by X-ray diffraction techniques
Scholtes, Berthold
Analysis of the velocity distribution of shot particles in shot peening actions and its effects on the Almen intensity and near surface properties
Kopp, Reiner
Bend-Straightening of Case-hardened Shafts - Scientific Basis and Modeling
Scholtes, Berthold
Der Bauschingereffekt bei gehärteten und niedrig angelassenen Zuständen der Stähle 42CrMo4 und 100 Cr6
Scholtes, Berthold
Development of semifinished products with optimized damping properties based on pseudoelastic iron-based shape memory alloys
Hassel, Thomas
Maier, Hans Jürgen
Niendorf, Thomas
Energy-dispersive analysis of near surface residual stress and microstructure gradients by means of conventional laboratory X-ray sources
Genzel, Christoph
Scholtes, Berthold
Entwicklung einer Mess- und Auswertestrategie zur Ermittlung der Ortsraumeigenspannungsverteilung oij(z) in randzonenbearbeiteten Werkstoffen mit Beugungsverfahren
Genzel, Christoph
Scholtes, Berthold
Entwicklung einer Mess- und Auswertestrategie zur Ermittlung der Ortsraumeigen- spannungsverteilung oij(z) in randzonenbearbeiteten Werkstoffen mit Beugungs- verfahren
Scholtes, Berthold
Entwicklung eines Modellierungsansatzes zur inkrementellen Umformung der Magnesiumknetlegierung AZ31 bei Raumtemperatur
Scholtes, Berthold
High temperature fatigue behaviour of nickel base superalloys manufactured conventionally and via selective laser melting and hot isostatic pressing
Schaper, Mirko
Tillmann, Wolfgang
Influence of plastic deformation on deformation anisotropy of magnesium base alloy AZ31
Scholtes, Berthold
Invar processed by selective laser melting – Tailoring the thermal expansion coefficient by process-induced defects and residual stresses
Niendorf, Thomas
Mechanical Surface Treatment of High-Manganese TWIP/TRIP Steel – Microstructural Stability and Mechanical Properties
Niendorf, Thomas
Microstructure- and defect-controlled damage tolerance evaluation of lattice structures at room temperature and 650 °C based on the E-PBF processed Ni-based alloy Inconel 718
Niendorf, Thomas
Walther, Frank
Nachwuchsakademie: Analyse und Bewertung von Eigenspannungen auf unterschiedlichen Längenskalen
Scholtes, Berthold
Ni-Ti-Hf high-temperature shape memory alloys processed by additive manufacturing via selective electron beam melting – From process to properties
Niendorf, Thomas
Optimization of the fatigue behavior of TWIP steels through monotonic pre-straining
Niendorf, Thomas
Schädigungsentwicklung bei der Korrosionsermüdung von Aluminiumbasislegierungen mit definierten fertigungsbedingten Randschichten
Scholtes, Berthold
Systematic investigation of abnormal grain growth induced by a cyclic heat treatment in Fe-Mn-Al-Ni-X (X = Cr, Ti) shape memory alloys
Niendorf, Thomas
Tension-compression asymmetry of Fe-Ni-Co-Al-X (X= Nb, Ti, Nb-Ti) shape memory alloys – Impact of nanocrystalline precipitates on functional properties
Krooß, Philipp
Thermal fatigue of magnesium base alloys
Scholtes, Berthold
Thermodynamic Investigation of Fe–Mn–Al–Ni–Ti Shape Memory Alloys
Kriegel, Mario J.
Zum Einfluss von Eigenspannungen auf Kenngrößen von Eindringhärteprüfungen
Scholtes, Berthold
Zur Korrosion und Korrosionsermüdung des metastabilen austenitischen Stahls X5CrNi18-10 im festgewalzten Zustand
Scholtes, Berthold
Zyklische Eindringprüfungen zur Ermittlung lokaler Kenngrößen der Schwingfestigkeit metallischer Werkstoffe
Scholtes, Berthold
Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Functionally graded structures from high manganese iron based alloys - From TWIP effect to superelasticity
Niendorf, Thomas
Completed projects
Analysis and effects of residual stresses in tools and components as a consequence of thermomechanical processes
(Project Heads
Scholtes, Berthold
Zinn, Wolfgang
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Anlage zum selektiven Laserschmelzen
Dual-beam FIB/SEM with plasma ion column (plasma-FIB/SEM)
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Interaction of hydrogen flames and smart effusion-cooled gas turbine combustor walls
Dreizler, Andreas
Hasse, Christian
Niendorf, Thomas
Oechsner, Matthias
Completed projects
Prediction of surface conditions for robust control of a turning process based on in-process data acquisition and data driven soft sensor approach
Kroll, Andreas
Niendorf, Thomas
Zinn, Wolfgang
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 1766: High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloys - From Basics to Applications
Maier, Hans Jürgen
Functional stability of polycrystalline Co-Ni-Ga high-temperature shape-meory alloys - On the role of microstructure and martensite stabilization
Frenzel, Jan
Maier, Hans Jürgen
Niendorf, Thomas
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Current projects
High-throughput material characterization using laser deposition additive manufacturing combined with high-flux in situ X-Ray analysis enhanced by further instrumentation
Additional Information
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