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Universität Hamburg
Historisches Seminar
Arbeitsbereich Mittelalterliche Geschichte
Von-Melle-Park 6#5
20146 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20146 Hamburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Long-term Project for Coverage and Publication of Calendars in Order to Secure the Historical Tradition of the Younger Charters of the Threse (1400-1529) from Staatsarchiv (State Archive) Hamburg - renewal proposal II (project phase II)
Sarnowsky, Jürgen
Completed projects
Cœnobia Turonenses: St Martin's communities in Tours, their practices and networks from late Antiquity until the 13th century
Depreux, Philippe
Erfassung und Präsentation der jüngeren Urkunden der Threse im Staatsarchiv der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
Sarnowsky, Jürgen
Erschließung und virtuelle Rekonstruktion der älteren Register der Kanzlei des Deutschen Ordens
Sarnowsky, Jürgen
Glossar zur Geschichte der mittelalterlichen Stadt
Sarnowsky, Jürgen
Kritische Edition der revidierten Statuten des Johanniterordens von 1489/1493
Sarnowsky, Jürgen
Kritische Edition der Schuldbücher und Rechnungen der Großschäffer und Lieger des Deutschen Ordens, III: die Marienburger Großschäfferei
Sarnowsky, Jürgen
Produktivität einer Krise: Die Regierungszeit Ludwig des Frommen (814-840) und die Transformation des karolingischen Imperium
Esders, Stefan
Sources for the economic administration of subordinated officials of the Teutonic Order in Prussia.
Sarnowsky, Jürgen
The "Codex Remensis" of the State Library at Berlin (Ms. Phill. 1743): The role of the Gallic episcopate in the transmission of late antique legal knowledge and the construction of Merovingian politics
Bonte, Achim
Esders, Stefan
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
East Frankish Manuscripts Containing Collections of Formulae
(Project Head
Depreux, Philippe
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2008: Interconfessionality in the Early Modern Period
Steiger, Johann Anselm
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5138: Spiritual Intermediality in the Early Modern Period
Steiger, Johann Anselm
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2176: Understanding Written Artefacts
Bausi, Alessandro
Butts, Aaron
Friedrich, Michael
Harter-Uibopuu, Kaja
Hirschler, Ph.D., Konrad
Schroer, Christian
Additional Information
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