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Technische Universität München
TUM School of Life Sciences
Lehrstuhl für Grünlandlehre
Alte Akademie 12
85354 Freising
This institution in GERiT
85354 Freising
Research Grants
Current projects
Eroding food security - Cropland soil loss in the Rwenzori mountains of Uganda [Solozori]
Fiener, Peter
Wilken, Florian
Completed projects
Drivers and mechanisms of 13C discrimination in Cleistogenes squarrosa (C4) - reducing uncertainties on bundle sheath leakiness
Schnyder, Johannes
Ecophysiological mechanisms controlling the balance between C3 and C4 species in grasslands, with emphasis on responses to nitrogen loading
Lattanzi, Fernando Alfredo
Einfluss unterschiedlicher Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen auf die Abflussbildung und -konzentration in landwirtschaftlich genutzten Einzugsgebieten
Disse, Markus
Grazer isotope signatures as integrators and recorders of grassland vegetation dynamics and C and N cycling
Auerswald, Karl
The interactive effects of rising atmospheric CO2 and nutrient supply on carbon and water relations of grassland ecosystems
Schnyder, Johannes
The significance of cellulose-18O for understanding water-use efficiency of grassland: Evidence from experimental, observational and process-based modeling studies
Schnyder, Johannes
Trennung der Komponenten des CO2 Gaswechsels von Pflanzenbeständen im Licht - Photosynthese und Respiration - mittels der Analyse des delta13 C und delta18 O des fixierten und freigesetzten CO2
Schnyder, Johannes
Turnover of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in mammal tissues
Auerswald, Karl
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Effects of stress, competition and ontogeny on respiration - biosynthetic efficiency, maintenance costs and functional properties of substrate pools
(Project Head
Schnyder, Johannes
Wachstum, Ressourcenerwerb (C, N, P, H2-O), -allokation und -verteilung in Mais, Weidelgras und Apfel unter dem Einfluss von Mykorrhizierung, Stress und Störung
(Project Heads
Hu, Yuncai
Huber-Sannwald, Elisabeth
Schmidhalter, Urs
Schnyder, Johannes
Research Units
Completed projects
Influence of grazing pressure on the carbon isotope composition of the grasslands of China: Spatio-temporal variations at multiple scales
Auerswald, Karl
Additional Information
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