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Technische Universität München
TUM Campus Straubing
Professur für Biogene Polymere
Schulgasse 16
94315 Straubing
This institution in GERiT
94315 Straubing
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Completed projects
Holographic patterning of functional materials using phototactic microorganisms
Zollfrank, Cordt
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
A modular materials design using integrated nanotube and nanowire assemblies
Wark, Michael
Zollfrank, Cordt
Biotemplate-assisted manufacturing of silica nanowire assemblies
Zollfrank, Cordt
Broadband reflecting fibers with tailored structures inspired by desert ants
Fabritius, Helge-Otto
Tiemann, Michael
Coordination Funds
Zollfrank, Cordt
Hierarchically structured porous ceramics and composites from nanocasting of plant cell walls
Paris, Oskar
Plank, Johann
Zollfrank, Cordt
SPP 1839: Tailored Disorder - A science- and engineering-based approach to materials design for advanced photonic applications
Zollfrank, Cordt
Tailoring disorder in functional optical materials using a combined materials engineering and bioinspiration approach
von Freymann, Georg
Zollfrank, Cordt
Research Grants
Current projects
Bioinspired composite materials from aligned cellulose nanofiber arrays with tailored surface functionalities
Gorb, Stanislav N.
Lieleg, Oliver
Zollfrank, Cordt
Fabrication and characterisation of cellulose-based optical fibres
Zollfrank, Cordt
Completed projects
Bioinspired design of functional optical structures
Zollfrank, Cordt
Diamantartige Nanoschichten auf vorstrukturierten polymerabgeleiteten SiC-Oberflächen
Popovska-Leipertz, Nadejda
Woltersdorf, Jörg
Zollfrank, Cordt
Glucose-based block-co-oligomers with mixed alpha/beta configuration
Zollfrank, Cordt
Innnovative functional coatings with transition metal oxides and their antimicrobial and catalytic properties
Zollfrank, Cordt
Mechanism-based development and validation of a structural health monitoring for climate adaptive architectural Cottonid elements
Walther, Frank
Zollfrank, Cordt
Micropatterned materials design with metal oxide based tubular nanocomposites fabricated by biotemplating of cellulose nanocrystalline architectures
Klupp Taylor, Robin
Zollfrank, Cordt
Rheotactically structured and hierarchically organized materials
Van Opdenbosch, Daniel
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
X-ray diffractometer
Additional Information
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