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Universität Leipzig
Institut für Indologie und Zentralasienwissenschaften
Schillerstraße 6
04109 Leipzig
This institution in GERiT
04109 Leipzig
Research Grants
Current projects
A Digital Critical Edition of the Nyayabhasya
Franco, Eliahu
Divergent Discourses: Processes of Narrative Construction in Tibet, 1955-62
Erhard, Franz Xaver
Completed projects
A Contribution to Buddhist Philosophy: New Sanskrit Fragments of the Yogacarabhumi
Hartmann, Jens-Uwe
A Study of Causality in the Pratyabhijna-System. A Critical Edition, Translation and Study of Abhinavagupta's Isvarapratyabhijnavimarsini, Adhikara II, Ahnika 4.
Franco, Eliahu
A study on the Buddhist theory of perception based on DharmakTrti's Pramanavarttika, chapter III: A critical edition, translation and study of Pramanavarttika III 1-122 and 281-300
Franco, Eliahu
Commentaries and authorship in the philosophical literature of India: a case study based on the collected writings of the Buddhist scholar Sthiramati (6th c. AD)
Kramer, Jowita
Deed and Retribution in Indian Buddhism: The Concept of Karma in the Abhidharmakosa and its Commentaries
Kramer, Jowita
Der Begriff der Person und die Theorien zum Ich-Gefühl im indischen Buddhismus
Kramer, Jowita
Drigung ('Bri-gung) in der Zeit zwischen dem 11. und 17. Jahrhundert
Sörensen, Per Kjeld
Indology in National Socialist Germany
Epple, Moritz
Jitari: A critical edition, translation and historical-philosophical study on the basis of a new Sanskrit manuscript at the China Tibetology Research Denter (Beijing)
Franco, Eliahu
Logik, Dialektik und Epistemologie der Nyaya Tradition: Eine kritische Ausgabe des fünften Kapitels deer Nyayasutra und Nyayabhasya.
Franco, Eliahu
Politische und Religiöse Hegemonien in Lhasa und der Region von Kyishö (Zentraltibet) in der Zeit zwischen dem 11. und 17. Jh.
Sörensen, Per Kjeld
Secular Life Writing in Early Modern Tibet. A Study of Kalon Tenzin Paljor's Autobiography "Music of Candid Speech"
Erhard, Franz Xaver
Tandruk, der erste buddhistische Tempel Tibets. Eine Untersuchung zu Geschichte und Kult des königlichen Tempels in dynastischer und nach-dynastischer Zeit
Sörensen, Per Kjeld
Tibetan Genealogy, kinship line and reincarnation succession: A religio-political study of the Bar Brug-pa bKa-brgyud-pa sect between the 15th and 16th centuries
Sörensen, Per Kjeld
Yamari's Pramanavarttikalankaratika Suparisuddha (diplomatic and critical editions, partial translation and studies)
Franco, Eliahu
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1553: Religious Nonconformism and Cultural Dynamics
Seiwert, Hubert
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