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Universität Innsbruck
Institut für Astro- und Teilchenphysik
Technikerstraße 25
6020 Innsbruck
6020 Innsbruck
Research Grants
Current projects
Galactic Gas Distribution and Cosmic-Ray Transport
Enßlin, Torsten
Mertsch, Philipp
Identification of recent (few Myr) nearby (within 160 pc) supernovae from high-mass X-ray binaries in connection to the 60-Fe found in the Earth crust
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Population Synthesis of Galactic Very-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Sources
Egberts, Kathrin
Completed projects
Analysis of new WHT, VLT, and SOAR observations: Confirming new galaxy clusters from Planck & Calibrating the masses of high-redshift SPT clusters via weak gravitational lensing for cosmological investigations
Schrabback, Tim
Blue Supergiants as Probes of Stellar and Galactic Evolution in the Local Group
Przybilla, Norbert
Calibrating SZ Mass Estimates with Weak Lensing: Executing observations with the Magellan Telescope in October 2014
Schrabback, Tim
Cosmic Ray Anisotropy and Interstellar Spectra: Astrophysics of the Outer Heliosphere
Fichtner, Horst
Cosmic ray production and transport in astrospheres
Scherer, Klaus
Enge Doppelsternentwicklung und Vorläufer von Typ Ia Supernovae: Auswertung des ESO-Supernova Ia Progenitor Surveys (SPY)
Heber, Ulrich
Massive stars as tracers of the chemical evolution of the Galaxy
Przybilla, Norbert
Origin of massive high-velocity stars in the halo
Heber, Ulrich
Irrgang, Andreas
Origins of low-mass helium stars
Heber, Ulrich
Quantitative Spektroskopie von galaktischen Überriesen
Przybilla, Norbert
Spectroscopy of Massive Stars in the Double Cluster h/chi Persei
Przybilla, Norbert
To the virial radius of the most luminous local group: UGC03957
Lovisari, Lorenzo
Ursprünge der Runaway-Sterne
Przybilla, Norbert
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
The impact of environment on distant spiral galaxy evolution: velocity fields and Tully-Fisher relation of intermediate-redshift cluster galaxies; observations and numerical simulations
Ziegler, Bodo L.
Research Units
Completed projects
Planetesimal precursors in turbulent protoplanetary disks
Klahr, H. Hubertus
Kley, Wilhelm
Additional Information
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