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Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Physikalisch-Astronomische Fakultät
Institut für Angewandte Physik
Max-Wien-Platz 1
07743 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07743 Jena
Research Grants
Current projects
Experimental realization of atom-mediated photon-pair-generation processes
Saravi, Sina
Femtosecond-Laser-based crosslinking of corneal collagen fibers.
Mißbach-Güntner, Jeannine
Nolte, Stefan
Russmann, Christoph
Investigation of nonlinear propagation of ultrafast infrared laser pulses inside narrow-bandgap semiconductors
Nolte, Stefan
Light propagation in high-power multicore fibers
Jauregui Misas, Ph.D., Cesar
Metasurfaces for engineered generation of photon-pair quantum states
Saravi, Sina
Next generation chirped volume Bragg gratings by means of fs laser inscription and investigation of their potential for new application ranges
Nolte, Stefan
Room temperature quantum light sources based on two-dimensional hexagonal boron nitride for daylight quantum communication (DAYLIGHT QUANTA)
Vogl, Tobias
Silicon Laser Processing with Bursts
Nolte, Stefan
Soft x-ray time-domain interferometry with attosecond precision: Ultrafast spectroscopy and spectro-microscopy in aqueous solutions
Kip, Detlef
Laarmann, Tim
Rothhardt, Jan
Completed projects
3D mikro- und nanostrukturierte Optik - Design, Technologieentwicklung und Charakterisierung
Tünnermann, Andreas
Coupled periodic nanowaveguides for the generation of photon pairs
Setzpfandt, Frank
Design und Herstellung nanostrukturierter optischer Schichtsysteme zur Optimierung des Wirkungsgrades photovoltaischer Elemente
Lederer, Falk
Pertsch, Thomas
Dielectric nanoresonators and metasurfaces for photon pair generation
Pertsch, Thomas
Investigation on near-plane varied-line-spacing gratings made by electron beam lithography and near field holography
Kley, Ernst-Bernhard
Lineare und nichtlineare Lichtausbreitung in Wellenleiterarrays bei komplexen Anregungsprofilen
Nolte, Stefan
Liquid Phase Metamaterials
Kley, Ernst-Bernhard
Pertsch, Thomas
Rockstuhl, Carsten
Strukturierungsverfahren für mikro- und nanooptische Elemente in Lithiumniobat.
Kley, Ernst-Bernhard
Study and control of the intermodal energy transfer in high-power fiber laser systems
Jauregui Misas, Ph.D., Cesar
Untersuchung der Kopplung dielektrischer und plasmonischer Resonanzen an optischen Metamaterialien in Wellenleitergeometrien
Pertsch, Thomas
Rockstuhl, Carsten
Wave-optical design of monofunctional optical systems
Wyrowski, Frank
Research Units
Completed projects
Dimensionseffekte in diskreten Systemen
Tünnermann, Andreas
Discrete spatio-temporal dynamics in nonlinear microstructured resonators
Kley, Ernst-Bernhard
Discrete spatio-temporal dynamics in waveguide arrays with cubic nonlinearity
Bartelt, Hartmut
Nolte, Stefan
Discrete spatio-temporal dynamics in waveguide arrays with quadratic nonlinearity
Kowarschik, Richard
Pertsch, Thomas
Dissipative temporal structures in mode-locked fibre lasers
Limpert, Jens
Ion and plasma-enhanced proportional transfer of 3D-structures in the micrometer- and sub-micrometer-range
Tünnermann, Andreas
Ionen- und plasmagestützte Übertragung dreidimensionaler Strukturen im µm- und Sub-µm-Bereich
Zimmer, Klaus
Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Optical coatings by means of atomic layer deposition. Coating of subwavelength structured surfaces and adsorption of liquid crystals onto thin coatings.
Szeghalmi, Adriana Viorica
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Investigation and control of transverse mode interactions in high-power fiber laser systems
Jauregui Misas, Ph.D., Cesar
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
CEP stabilized high power ultrashort pulse laser system
Gas reactor for in situ studies of photocatalysis and energy conversion processes
Kurzpuls-Hochleistungs-Zwilllingsfaserverstärkersystem mit variabler Pulswiederholrate
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Exploiting tailored disorder in dielectric nanosurfaces to maximize their information capacity
Pertsch, Thomas
Rockstuhl, Carsten
Staude, Isabelle
Manipulating Material Properties of Atomic Layer Deposited Oxide Thin Films by Electric Field: Experimental and Computational Design (ALDBIAS)
Sierka, Marek
Szeghalmi, Adriana Viorica
Monolithische Integration photonischer Bauelemente auf der Basis der Flüssigphasenepitaxie
Ruske, Jens-Peter
New high stiffness materials for light weight constructions using ultrafast additive manufacturing
Lippmann, Stephanie
Nolte, Stefan
Nichtlinieare plasmonische Nanoantennen aus Lithiumniobat
Pertsch, Thomas
Rockstuhl, Carsten
Ultrakurzpuls-induzierte Erzeugung periodischer Nanostrukturen im Volumen transparenter Festkörper
Heintzmann, Rainer
Nolte, Stefan
Peschel, Ulf
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Deckert, Volker
Gräfe, Stefanie
Kling, Matthias
Nolte, Stefan
Peschel, Ulf
Ronning, Carsten
Staude, Isabelle
Multi-scale nonlinear lasing dynamics of coupled semiconducting nanowires with resonant and active nanosystems
(Project Heads
Pertsch, Thomas
Ronning, Carsten
Staude, Isabelle
Nanostructure technologies
(Project Heads
Staude, Isabelle
Tünnermann, Andreas
Zeitner, Uwe
Near-field optical investigation of quantum emitters on the nanoscale
(Project Heads
Deckert, Volker
Pertsch, Thomas
Vogl, Tobias
Nonlinear generation of non-classical light in hybrid optical structures
(Project Heads
Setzpfandt, Frank
Steinlechner, Fabian
Nonlinear optics in nanogaps in plasmonic thin films
(Project Heads
Nolte, Stefan
Zeitner, Uwe
Nonlinear wave interaction in quantum nanomaterials
(Project Heads
Chernysheva, Ph.D., Maria
Eilenberger, Falk
Public Relation
(Project Heads
Cartarius, Holger
Mappes, Timo
Ultrafast nonlinear optics of nanolayers
(Project Heads
Szeghalmi, Adriana Viorica
Tünnermann, Andreas
New Instrumentation for Research
Current projects
Next Generation OH Suppression Fiber Bragg Gratings: towards Operation on Sky
Nolte, Stefan
Rahman, Aashia
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
Minflux-Jena – advancing single-molecule detection in cell-biological research
International Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2675: Tailored metasurfaces – generating, programming and detecting light
Staude, Isabelle
Completed projects
GRK 2101: Guided light, tightly packed: novel concepts, components and applications
Tünnermann, Andreas
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 3014: PhInt - Photo-Polarizable Interfaces and Membranes
Dietzek-Ivansic, Benjamin
Additional Information
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