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Universität Kassel
Fachbereich 10 - Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Institut für Physik
34109 Kassel
This institution in GERiT
34109 Kassel
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Beschreibung des Ion-Festkörperstoßes mittels gekoppelter Kanäle Rechnungen
Anton, Josef
Research Grants
Current projects
High-resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of small refractory molecules in the laboratory and in space
Fuchs, Guido
Giesen, Thomas
Molecular frame photoelectron angular distribution as a sensitive access to electronic structure and dynamics
Demekhin, Philipp
New Developments in High Resolution IR-Cavity ringdown Spectroscopy
Fuchs, Guido
Giesen, Thomas
Completed projects
Chirped-pulse Fourier transform millimeterwave spectroscopy on transient molecules of astrophysical relevance (CP-FTMM Astro)
Fuchs, Guido
Giesen, Thomas
Development of deterministic quantum-light sources from InP-based quantum dots in the telecom c-band
Benyoucef, Mohamed
Reitzenstein, Stephan
Divergenz- und Carbuncle-freie Godunov-Typ Verfahren für die Magnetohydrodynamik
Kemm, Friedemann
Exotische Kerne und Kernzustände
Kolb, Dietmar
Finite Elements and wavelets for density functional developments
Kolb, Dietmar
Heavy element relativistic molecular minimax calculations
Kolb, Dietmar
Molekulare Dichtefunktionalberechnungen mittels dünner Gitter
Kolb, Dietmar
Numerisches Hartree-Fock
Kolb, Dietmar
Temperaturabhängige Photoemission aus 1D-Oberflächenzuständen auf "gestreiftem" Cu(110)(2x1)O
Goldmann, Albrecht
Theoretical description of the electron continuum spectrum in polyatomic molecules: Application to angular-resolved electron and fluorescence spectroscopy
Demekhin, Philipp
Research Units
Completed projects
Angular Distribution of ICD Electrons in Rare Gas Dimers
Demekhin, Philipp
FOR 1789: Intermolecular and Interatomic Coulombic Decay
Dörner, Reinhard
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Ionization Channel-Resolved Molecular Orbital Imprint in Laser-Driven Electron Rescattering
Mikosch, Jochen
Completed projects
Approximation von Vielteilchen-Wellenfunktionen auf dünnen Gittern
Kolb, Dietmar
Phase locked bichromatic polarization tailored femtosecond laser fields to study and control electron dynamics in chiral molecules.
Baumert, Thomas
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Quantum Nano Photonics
Benyoucef, Mohamed
Structural Investigations of Molecular Dynamics
Mikosch, Jochen
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Circular dichroism in the photoionization and decay spectra of randomly-oriented and fixed-in-space chiral molecules
(Project Head
Demekhin, Philipp
Coherent control of circular dichroism in ion yield after excitation of chiral molecules with tailored femtosecond laser pulses
(Project Heads
Baumert, Thomas
Braun, Hendrike
Controlled enantiomeric transformation with femtosecond laser pulses
(Project Head
Senftleben, Arne
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Amplified Femtosecond Laser System with High Repetition Rate
Quantum Optics Setup
Additional Information
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