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Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover
Zentrum für Infektionsmedizin
Institut für Parasitologie
Bünteweg 17
30559 Hannover
This institution in GERiT
30559 Hannover
Research Grants
Current projects
Host–parasite genotype (Gh x Gp) interactions and identification of genetic mechanisms underlying the host-parasite interface in liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) infected dairy cows
May, Katharina
Strube, Ph.D., Christina
Inferring effects of vitamin D-related gene polymorphisms and gene expressions on blood vitamin D concentrations, immune response and health in dairy cows
Eder, Klaus
König, Sven
Inferring genetic associations among dairy cow behavior components using biomarkers, genetic marker, genome sequence and technical data
König, Sven
Swalve, Hermann H.
RNA-based immunity against flaviviruses in arthropods and mammalian cells
Becker, Stefanie Christine
Completed projects
Assessing the ecologies of arboviruses and mosquito vectors in West and Central Africa
Becker, Stefanie Christine
Borrmann, Steffen
Charakterisierung und Interaktionen von Cathepsinen und assoziierten Proteinen des bovinen Lungenwurms Dictyocaulus viviparus
Strube, Ph.D., Christina
Determinanten der Diversität intestinaler Parasitengemeinschaften sympatrischer Neuweltaffen (Saguinus mystax, Saguinus fuscicollis und Callicebus cupreus)
Heymann, Eckhard W.
Intestinal microbiome modulation by roundworms and consequences for the metabolome
Strube, Ph.D., Christina
Large roundworm induced malabsorption: modulation of intestinal porcine nutrient transport
Breves, Gerhard
Strube, Ph.D., Christina
New insights into the molecular mechanisms of anthelmintic proanthocyanidins
Hensel, Andreas
Liebau, Eva
Strube, Ph.D., Christina
The role of ANTi-RVFV Immunity in GermliNe infection and bEhavior modulation in insects (ANTIGoNE)
Becker, Stefanie Christine
Stern, Michael
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Vector competence for TBEV replication limiting viral spread (VECTORS)
Becker, Stefanie Christine
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2485: Virus detection, pathogenesis and intervention (VIPER)
Beineke, Andreas
Additional Information
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