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Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Campus Charité Mitte
Center for Cardiovascular Research
Hessische Straße 3-4
10115 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10115 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Protein tyrosine phosphatases as novel therapeutic targets to overcome inflammation-induced insulin resistance and skeletal muscle atrophy
Fielitz, Jens
Kappert, Kai
Completed projects
Adipose tissue ATGL regulates cardiac energy metabolism in heart failure
Kintscher, Ulrich
DEsire - DEP-1 as potential modulator of cerebral insulin resistance and emotional behavior
Kappert, Kai
Kleinridders, André
Gewebsspezifische Inaktivierung von Frataxin, einem mitochondrialen Regulator des oxidativen Energiestoffwechsels
Ristow, Michael
Modulation der natürlichen Inhibition als therapeutisches Prinzip: Protein Tyrosin Phosphatasen als interventionelle Zielstrukturen der Arteriogenese
Kappert, Kai
Molekulare Charakterisierung neuer selektiver Modulatoren des Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor y (PPARy)
Gust, Ronald
Kintscher, Ulrich
New gender specific insights into myocardial remodelling in human aortic valve stenosis
Dworatzek, Elke
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von Protein-Tyrosin-Phosphatasen als Regulatoren der Signaltransduktion des VEGF-2-Rezeptors in Endothelzellen
Kappert, Kai
Research Units
Completed projects
Sex differences in adipose tissue lipolysis and pathological cardiac hypertrophy
Kintscher, Ulrich
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Caveolopathies - insulin resistance, lipid metablism
Boschmann, Michael
Selective estrogen receptor alpha modulation during body weight cycling
Kintscher, Ulrich
The role of adipose tissue estrogen receptors during body weight loss and the maintenance of reduced weight
Kintscher, Ulrich
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Animal models and human Engineered Heart Tissue
(Project Heads
Alogna, Alessio
Gotthardt, Michael
Heinzel, Ph.D., Frank
Schiattarella, Gabriele
Lipid-based control of the unfolded protein response in HFpEF
(Project Head
Schiattarella, Gabriele
Lipid-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction in HFpEF during obesity
(Project Heads
Kintscher, Ulrich
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 754: Myocardial Gene Expression und Function - Myocardial Hypertrophy
Regitz-Zagrosek, Vera
Additional Information
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