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Max-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut)
Boltzmannstraße 8
85748 Garching
This institution in GERiT
85748 Garching
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Die Symmetriegruppe der 11-dimensionalen Supergravitation
Miemiec, André
F-theoretische Berechnung heterotischer nicht-perturbativer Kopplungen
Stieberger, Ph.D., Stephan
Research Grants
Current projects
Calorimetry in 5 dimensions
Krüger, Katja Annette Ingrid
Masetti, Lucia
Simon, Frank
Quantum relic axion detection sensor
Döbrich, Babette
Wernsdorfer, Ph.D., Wolfgang
Completed projects
BAT 2.0: Development and applications
Kröninger, Kevin
Heterotische Stringkompaktifizierungen und ihre Anwendungen in Teilchenphysik und Kosmologie
Curio, Gottfried
Infrared and threshold effects in QCD
Henn, Johannes
Steinhauser, Matthias
QCD and other models at finite density, Stochastic Quantisation, Non-equilibrium phenomena in Quantum Field Theories.
Stamatescu, Ion Olimpiu
Systematic analysis of baryogenesis in non-equilibrium quantum field theory
Kartavtsev, Alexander
The Particle Physics and Cosmology of Supersymmetry and String Theory
Lüst, Dieter
Topologische Strings und ihre Anwendung auf supersymmetrische Feldtheorien und Quantengravitation
Mayr, Peter
Untersuchung von N = 1 supersymmetrischen und nicht-supersymmetrischen Stringtheorien und Eichtheorien sowie deren Dualitätssymmetrien
Lüst, Dieter
Research Units
Current projects
Amplitudes from Riemann surfaces with marked points
Stieberger, Ph.D., Stephan
FOR 5582: Modern Foundations of Scattering Amplitudes
Duhr, Claude
From geometry to scattering amplitudes
Ferro, Ph.D., Livia
Infrared-finite observables from scattering amplitudes
Henn, Johannes
Leading singularities on general geometries
Tancredi, Lorenzo
Worldline quantum field theories
Plefka, Jan
Completed projects
Automatische Berechnung von Feymann-Diagrammen
Hollik, Wolfgang
Die Ursache der Power-Korrekturen bei QCD-Summenregeln. Monopol-induzierte Instabilität des fermionischen Vakuums
Zakharov, Valentin
Parallelisierung algebraischer Programm-Systeme
Staudenmaier, Hans-Martin
Strahlungskorrekturen in minimalen supersymmetrischen Standardmodellen
Hollik, Wolfgang
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Untersuchung von N = 1 supersymmetrischen und nicht-supersymmetrischen Stringtheorien und Eichtheorien sowie deren Dualitätssymmetrien
Lüst, Dieter
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Geometry of Grand Unification
Wijnholt, Martijn
Theoretische Physik
Plaga, Rainer
Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Cosmic radiation as probe for particle physics beyond the standard model
Kachelrieß, Michael
The main goal of the project is to arrive at a fully consistent quantum mechanical description of the evolution of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe
Plümacher, Michael Martin
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Swampland Conjectures in String Theory
Junghans, Daniel
Completed projects
Development of Segmented Germanium Detectors for the Investigation of Neutrino-Less Double Beta Decay
(Project Head
Altmann, Michael
Massive Neutrinos in Astrophysics and Cosmology
(Project Head
Raffelt, Georg
Origin of Dark Energy and Dark Matter in String Theory
(Project Heads
Brunner, Ilka
Hebecker, Arthur
Lüst, Dieter
Weigand, Timo
DIP Programme
Current projects
Holography and the Swampland: Constraints on theories of fundamental physics from compatibility with quantum gravity
Lüst, Dieter
Palti, Eran
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Challenging dark matter models at colliders
(Project Heads
Frederix, Rikkert
Haisch, Ulrich
Harz, Julia
Weiler, Andreas
Dark matter direct detection: deciphering signals at ultra-low energy
(Project Heads
Petricca, Federica
Schieck, Jochen
Schönert, Stefan
Neutrino mass and mixing: at the intersection between IceCube and JUNO
(Project Heads
Caldwell, Allen
Eller, Philipp
Oberauer, Lothar
Resconi, Elisa
Particle physics in supernovae: axions and collective flavor conversion
(Project Heads
Janka, Hans-Thomas
Raffelt, Georg
SFB 1258: Neutrinos and Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics (NDM)
Resconi, Elisa
Completed projects
Axion dark matter: new experimental search, phenomenological motivation, and theoretical background
(Project Heads
Caldwell, Allen
Raffelt, Georg
Vaudrevange, Patrick Karl Simon
Untersuchungen von Neodym-Szintillatoren für ßß0v-Experimente mit 150Nd
(Project Heads
Nolte, Eckehart
Oberauer, Lothar
Pröbst, Franz
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1054: Particle Physics at the Energy Frontier of New Phenomena
Biebel, Otmar
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 153: Origin and Structure of the Universe - The Cluster of Excellence for Fundamental Physics
Paul, Stephan
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2094: ORIGINS: From the Origin of the Universe to the First Building Blocks of Life
Burkert, Andreas
Paul, Stephan
Abteilung Theoretische Physik
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