How can I update my personal data?

  • Send a brief e-mail to gepris@dfg.de so that we can update your entry.

I've noticed an error. Whom should I report it to?

  • Please tell us about what you have noticed by mail to gepris@dfg.de so that we can correct the error.

How can I narrow down my search using special characters?

  • In the free text search with multiple terms, GEPRIS automatically uses the AND link. Other ways of narrowing down your search include:

  1. NOT (e.g. bee NOT hive will return search results containing the word 'bee' but not the word 'hive').
  2. OR (e.g. bee OR hive will return search results containing the word 'bee' or the word 'hive'). You can also enter bee || hive.
  3. Grouping search arguments: (bee OR hive) NOT honey will return search results containing the word 'bee' or 'hive', but not 'honey'.
  4. Increasing the relevance of a search term: bee^2 honey doubles the relevance of the word 'bee' in relation to other terms (in this case ‘honey').
  5. To combine multiple keywords separated by a space into one, enclose them in inverted commas (e.g. "New York").
  6. Wildcard characters can be used as placeholders for one or more characters (but note that the search term must not start with a wildcard): ho??y or ho**y will find honey but also holly.


What is the purpose of quoting the DFG project number?

  • Publications of results produced by DFG-funded projects must contain a reference to the DFG funding in the funding acknowledgements. The DFG guidelines on the use of funding specify in section 13.1: In German, the DFG and the project must be named as follows: “Gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) – project number(s)”. In publications in other languages, a translation of the DFG's name can be added in the target language (e.g. in English: "Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – project number(s)".
  • The project number is shown in the header of each project record, making it possible to search specifically for correspondingly referenced DFG projects.

What project participations are shown in GEPRIS?

  • In addition to the applicants, other project participants are listed under 'Participating individuals'. This includes co-applicants, cooperation partners and visiting researchers. Industry partners and other institutional cooperation partners are listed as 'Participating institutions'. The research staff on a project are not listed.

Why is the record of my project not online yet?

  • There is a two-month objection period which must elapse before the project can be added to GEPRIS. If this period has elapsed and your project is still not online, please notify us at gepris@dfg.de, preferably quoting the project number, so we can check the situation.

Can I have the record of a project deleted?

  • You can decide whether your funded project should not be included in GEPRIS, also within the framework of the regulations of the DSGVO. You can have a project subsequently excluded from publication even after it has been published. To do this, contact gepris@dfg.de.

Why is the data from my final report not online yet?

  • The DFG receives approximately 700 final reports per month. It takes some time to check and process them. If you contact us at gepris@dfg.de, we will check whether there are any particular reasons for the delay and get back to you promptly.

Why am I not listed for the project on which I was an applicant or cooperation partner?

  • GEPRIS only shows the individuals currently or most recently involved in a project. The previously participating individuals or institutions cannot be shown for technical reasons. If you have a query about a specific case, please send an e-mail to gepris@dfg.de and we will check the situation.

According to which criteria is an international connection issued on the project view?

  • If a person at a foreign research institution is involved in a project, the country in which this institution is located is given as an International reference on the project detail view.

How do I search for scientific prices?

  • To search for scientific prizes and the associated prize winners, select the "People" tab in the "Advanced search". You can then select the corresponding entry for the prizes in the "Program" selection field and in the "Program line" selection field, then the prize for which you are interested in.

Textvergrößerung und Kontrastanpassung